ArmorStandEditor copied to clipboard
[Bug]: unlocking from an armorstand gives itemframe msg
Expected behavior
When pressing F to unlock from an armorstand the hotbar text would say "Armorstand target unlocked"
Observed/Actual behavior
When pressing F to unlock from an armorstand the hotbar text would say "Itemframe target unlocked"
Steps/models to reproduce
place an armorstand grab the appropriate tool for asedit that was set in your config (in my case flint)
lock to an armorstand by looking at it & pressing F
Turn away from the armorstand.
Press F again to unlock
Plugin list
[17:26:54 INFO]: - AdvancedMobs, AdvancedRegionMarket, ArmorStandEditor, AuctionHouse, AuctionHouse, BetterShulkerBoxes, BlueMap, BlueMapPlayerControl, BroadcastPlus, ChatItem [17:26:54 INFO]: ChatReaction, ChestSort, Citizens, CommandTool, CoreProtect, CoreProtectTNT, CraftingStore, CrazyEnvoys, *CustomHeads, DailyBonus [17:26:54 INFO]: DeathMessages, DeluxeMenus, Denizen, DiscordSRV, DontExplodeSpawners, DropHeads, dtlTraders, *EasyClearChat, eGlow, Essentials [17:26:54 INFO]: EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, ExcellentCrates, ExecutableItems, FastAsyncWorldEdit, floodgate, Floristics, Geyser-Spigot, GPFlags, GriefPrevention [17:26:54 INFO]: GSit, HeadsPlus, ImageMaps, InsaneAnnouncer, InventoryRollbackPlus, IronicGifts, ItemSlotMachine, JumpPads, LibsDisguises, LootChest [17:26:54 INFO]: LuckPerms, MiniMOTD, Multiverse-Core, MyCommand, NexEngine, OpenInv, PinataParty, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerWarps, PlotSquared [17:26:54 INFO]: PlotSquared, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, PwnFilter, QuickShop, RandomTeleport, RewardsLite, SCore, ServerSigns, SilkTouchAmethyst [17:26:54 INFO]: SleepFixer, SpawnerMeta, StackResize, TAB, TreeFeller, UltraCosmetics, Vanish, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion [17:26:54 INFO]: Votifier, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
Plugin Version
Server Version
No response
Hey @InnerAbyssal Give the fix a try: - Download the Artifact from there and Unzip the JAR file there within. Please do not use this in production yet, as this is not meant for that.
If you are going to test, please just reply to this with any bugs you find as well as a clear reproduction scenario :)