Wojciech Kozlowski
Wojciech Kozlowski
As @tigersoldier soldier said, it looks like company-lsp doesn't trigger in comments or strings. I had the same problem, however, and I narrowed it down to `flyspell` and `company-capf`. What...
It appears that a solution would be to write an asynchronous company-backend rather than a completion at point function. One even seems to already exist: https://github.com/emacs-pe/company-racer. I don't really know...
No, I'm on Linux. In general the whole thing was fast, but some completions took a bit longer than others and that became noticeable in some cases. Anyway, I was...
Hmm, wouldn't opening a UDP listening port not work? In that case you just communicate via the IP/UDP stack. Admittedly this does confine you to the UDP/IP implementation.
I guess this and the previous issue I raised could both be solved by using UDP sockets, but admittedly it does confine you to the IP/UDP stack. Perhaps this could...
Thanks for the quick response! I've seen the top-level expression node before, but in all cases I've seen it before, the value was always the binary expression. Thanks for the...