Wojciech Nagórski
Wojciech Nagórski
I'm closing because of conflict.
I agree with your proposal.
We can use .Net switch to enable or disable SHA1: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.appcontext.setswitch?view=net-8.0 > The [AppContext](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.appcontext?view=net-8.0) class enables library writers to provide a uniform opt-out mechanism for new functionality for their users....
I've reproduced this problem here: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/drieseng/ssh-net/builds/48584754 @Rob-Hague do you have any idea what might have happened?
@mcaupybugs can you prepare a failing integration test for the `.docx` file?
@dominikamann I have to wait a few days for the release, so if we fix your issue by then, it will be included in the next release.
If so we have #595 and there are forks that are mentioned in #479.
@Rob-Hague Do you want to handle this issue?
@lirunki PR needs refreshing.
@darinkes PR needs refreshing.