Wojciech Muła

Results 94 comments of Wojciech Muła

That @mischasan project seems great! I wish I could put more effort in this project, there are some obstacles I'm unable to overcome. Like, a day has 24 hours. :)...

Bytes are supported. Could you please run python unitests.py? There're many tests that use bytes.

Unfortunately I cannot devote as much time as previously. Waiting for contributors.

Oh man, it's really great news about usage! @pombredanne I think it's better to finish releasing and then add patch. More work, but a bit more logical. Of course IMHO...

In the end I want to clean up my two pet peeves: 1) replace tabs with spaces and 2) move C files to subdirectory src.

@pombredanne Philippe, do you have any comments, ideas? Is there anything which is now annoying and can be fixed.

TBH I would be happy to remove plain-python module. It hasn't been upgraded for ages and seems alternatives are more mature.

Thank you for the report.

@eddy-avanan Not at that moment, but I'll try to look at this issue. It seems to be a regression, as we already had similar problem and it was solved.

There's no case insensitive search option and TBH I don't like to add this to the core library. What I may suggest as an enhancement to the library is to...