Wojciech Lewicki

Results 109 comments of Wojciech Lewicki

I am closing it due to no response in more than 30 days. Feel free to comment to reopen it.

@mstrk can you provide a repo/snack with minimal configuration needed to reproduce the issue?

Ok, I am reopening it then.

Are the `TextInput`s nested in a `ScrollView` component (does not need to be direct nesting)? I tested it a bit and it looks like having a `ScrollView` as a parent...

Could you check such an example? ```js import React from 'react'; import { SafeAreaView, StyleSheet, ScrollView, TextInput, StatusBar, View, Text, } from 'react-native'; import {Colors} from 'react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen'; import {NavigationContainer} from...

I couldn't find anything that can cause the issue and I am a bit helpless on how to resolve it. I will gladly accept the examples of the cases where...

@limaAniceto yeah it might be the proper explanation. So it seems like there is nothing we can do on the side of `react-native-screens` other than suggest this workaround unfortunately.

Did you follow the required steps from the main README file? See https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-screens#android.

Seems weird that it happens after this change. It's hard to say anything definitive without a reproduction unfortunately. Is your stack trace the same @chvanlennep ?