WLEmptyState icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WLEmptyState copied to clipboard

WLEmptyState is an iOS based component that lets you customize the view when the dataset of a UITableView or a UICollectionView is empty. We created a sample project with the WLEmptyState component to...

Results 6 WLEmptyState issues
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Bumps [tzinfo](https://github.com/tzinfo/tzinfo) from 1.2.7 to 1.2.10. Release notes Sourced from tzinfo's releases. v1.2.10 Fixed a relative path traversal bug that could cause arbitrary files to be loaded with require when...


Bumps [cocoapods-downloader](https://github.com/CocoaPods/cocoapods-downloader) from 1.4.0 to 1.6.3. Release notes Sourced from cocoapods-downloader's releases. 1.6.3 Enhancements None. Bug Fixes None. 1.6.2 Enhancements None. Bug Fixes None. 1.6.1 Enhancements None. Bug Fixes None....


emptyStateDelegate、emptyStateDataSource objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.emptyStateDataSource, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) -> objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.emptyStateDataSource, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN)

**Describe the bug** Controllers do not deallocate from memory when using this framework **To Reproduce** self.tableView.emptyStateDataSource = self self.tableView.emptyStateDelegate = self extension VC: WLEmptyStateDataSource, WLEmptyStateDelegate { func enableScrollForEmptyState() -> Bool...