nvidia-xrun copied to clipboard
modprobe: ERROR: could not find module by name 'nvidia'
I am on arch, installed the nvidia, bbswitch and nvidia-xrun package. Already disabled nvidia driver to load at boot. I also created the nvidia-xinitrc file. The problem is when i want to switch to nvidia driver, i open another tty, login. type passwd and when i enter the option 'nvidia-xrun' or 'nvidia-xrun i3' the first error goes:
modprobe: ERROR: could not find module by name 'nvidia'
Then it tries to load nvidia drm module and throws:
modprobe: FATAL: nvidia_drm not found in directory /lib/modules/5.5.9-zen1-2-zen
I have no idea what to do.
Probably the problem is that you install the nvidia driver for a different kernel version,
did you ave the sources for that kernel version? how do you install the nvidia drivers? from arch packages or from nvidia binary file?
I have problem installing the driver sing dkms, that install me the driver for a different version that I'm using. so:
Are you using DKMS?
If you have previously installed a package that modifies kernel like I did with LUKS encryption, you should install nvidia-dkms
along with Linux headers for your kernel version (you have to ensure that linux
and linux-headers
point to same kernel version);
pacman -S linux linux-headers nvidia-dkms