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Drozer not running in catelina OS
I tried to install drozer using below-mentioned URL but it's not installing properly. https://blog.ropnop.com/installing-drozer-on-os-x-el-capitan/
I have got lot's of dependency error Then I follow the method from Drozen Documentation Guide still it's not working in my Mac. Can any help to resolve the issue.
I got the same problem, and python 2 is not supported anymore. I don't know if they will release a drozer with python3.
I installed drozer on macOS Catalina and wrote how. https://github.com/fujiokayu/Installing-Drozer-on-macOS-Catalina
Tell me if you can't install this way.
I have found a workaround and will be doing documentation on it in my blog post. It took my hours for google searching and trying different things. I finally got it to work.
I installed drozer on macOS Catalina and wrote how. https://github.com/fujiokayu/Installing-Drozer-on-macOS-Catalina
Tell me if you can't install this way.
Thank you so much for the Catalina OS documentation. It worked for me, I did have to install Java JDK and twisted package.
Not a fan that I need to run pipenv shell all the time, but I am glad this worked after hours of trying it out.
I have found a workaround and will be doing documentation on it in my blog post. It took my hours for google searching and trying different things. I finally got it to work.
Can you share the work around?
i'm interested in the workaround as well, but we now have a docker image that should help too
FYI. Got Drozer running locally with Sonoma 14.0 version. As installing prerequisite packages with Python venv and installing Java JDK using OnePlus physical phone. Also, did this trick mentioned in this comment, so all the Drozer functionalities would work.
Hi there, sorry for the delayed response!
As others have commented, drozer has some very specific (and dated) software pre-requisites, namely Python 2.7 and Java 7. We hope to resolve these issues in a future version, but we can't comment on when exactly that will happen.
In the meantime, the easier way to run drozer is through our official Docker container: https://hub.docker.com/r/withsecurelabs/drozer