
Results 11 comments of WiserOrb

#52 Created a pull request. Can you review it?

So from the first post you can see the graph is quite blocky. That's because upower updates the values only after 30 seconds. To solve this I directly read voltage...

Ok now it's managing the absence of a battery,now it simply displays N/A. Also added the eslink to my ide, thanks for the tip.

Ok, update. I think the changes are complete. I've added a setting to enable/disable the panel and a color picker for the secondary color. When you have time can you...

1. Yes gnome already ships with a battery level. ![Screenshot from 2022-12-27 21-42-52](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50355292/209723518-726fc545-1d39-4ff5-b046-b5f4095e1069.png) If we drop the battery level monitor, we could also drop the relative color. 2. I use...

I did not foresee this. Looking how Upower does it, they subtract the previous energy level to the current, [here](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/upower/upower/-/blob/master/src/up-device-battery.c#L150). To compute the energy they try to use charge, and...

Also do your system as a BAT0? Is it rechargeable but not the main one? Because if yes we should add a menu to select the correct battery if multiple...

> Not sure about what is the logic behind which values get exposed (maybe dependent on what the specific charge controller exposes?) From the comments they do in the upower...

Before making the final design, I would like to collect a bit more information on what kind of configuration we could find in the wild. I couldn't find any database...

Before that I did a [search](https://github.com/search?l=C&q=%22voltage_now%22+AND+%22power_now%22+AND+%22charge_now%22+AND+%22current_now%22&type=Code) through GitHub. There are some useful information: [linux driver](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/acpi/battery.c) [rust-battery](https://github.com/svartalf/rust-battery/blob/20233871e16b0e7083281df560875110a0cac93b/battery/src/platform/linux/sysfs/source.rs) [lxpanel plugin](https://github.com/lxde/lxpanel/blob/master/plugins/batt/batt_sys.c)