In general, modifiers colored red are not yet supported by PoB. Also, the cleaner way to solve this would be to simply check if you're using a spell at all...
> Experiencing the same error here - none of the above fixes seem to do anything for me. PoB was working fine until a couple days ago. Any new thoughts...
@hgranthorner We'll have to take a deeper dive to see if we can reproduce it and see what is going on after league start. Just to get all the details,...
> Madcowpatrick https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Madcowpatrick is the link to your profile, which says it's private. Are you sure that's your account name and not your character name? As @QuickStick123 said, double check...
The DPS addition is fine, but I'm not sold on adding a "Burst Damage" stat. I'm not sure what the use case would be, since ailments would only care about...
That is the correct segment of code, just the wrong PR you've linked to. A workaround would be to go into the trading pop-up on the Items tab and enter...
If you didn't want to use that other action to download artifacts, you could instead set the cache key to today's date, skipping the build list update on a cache...
> @Wires77 I wanted it to update with cron as i'm worried there may be long periods of time without pull requests. Github only stores cache for 7 days and...
I see, I was misunderstanding. Thought the downloaded builds were just overwriting things each time, not appending to the existing list. Build artifacts feel like a weird way to store...
Have you tried installing the standalone version?