OmniEngine.Net copied to clipboard
Template: Empty(C#) doesn't work
Using the package manager to create a new project based on Empty (C#), then compiling the engine and compiling the C# gives 9 errors:
Error 1809 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Classes.Interopt.pInvokes.UtilObject' does not contain a definition for 'closeSplashWindow' and no extension method 'closeSplashWindow' accepting a first argument of type 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Classes.Interopt.pInvokes.UtilObject' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.User\GameCode\Main.cs 198 31 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1811 The best overloaded method match for 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni.fnTCPObject_listen(string, int)' has some invalid arguments E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.Base\TCPObject_Base.cs 208 1 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1812 Argument 2: cannot convert from 'uint' to 'int' E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.Base\TCPObject_Base.cs 208 39 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1821 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' does not contain a definition for 'fnAIPlayer_checkInFoV' and no extension method 'fnAIPlayer_checkInFoV' accepting a first argument of type 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.Base\AIPlayer_Base.cs 324 22 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1822 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' does not contain a definition for 'fnAIPlayer_checkInLos' and no extension method 'fnAIPlayer_checkInLos' accepting a first argument of type 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.Base\AIPlayer_Base.cs 337 22 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1827 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' does not contain a definition for 'fnGuiCanvas_hideWindow' and no extension method 'fnGuiCanvas_hideWindow' accepting a first argument of type 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.Base\GuiCanvas_Base.cs 510 15 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1828 No overload for method 'fn_TerrainEditor_autoMaterialLayer' takes 6 arguments E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.Base\TerrainEditor_Base.cs 513 1 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1832 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' does not contain a definition for 'fnGuiCanvas_showWindow' and no extension method 'fnGuiCanvas_showWindow' accepting a first argument of type 'WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Demo.Full\Models.Base\GuiCanvas_Base.cs 683 15 Winterleaf.Demo.Full
Error 1839 Metadata file 'E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\game\Winterleaf.Demo.Full.dll' could not be found E:\GitHub\OmniEngine.Net\My Projects\TestProject\Winterleaf.Game\CSC Winterleaf.Game
I'll try running the static code generator and see if it fixes things.
- Win8.1x64
- Built was x86
Running static code generator removes those issues, but creates a new one here:
mwle_fnSimpleNetObject_setMessage= (wle_fnSimpleNetObject_setMessage)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(GetProcAddress(dllname, "wle_fnSimpleNetObject_setMessage"), typeof(wle_fnSimpleNetObject_setMessage));
Some kind of nullpointer exception, commenting that out makes the engine run for about 10 seconds but then it crashes again at:
// Omni.cs line 382
while (!_mStop)
lock (_tick)
With the exception:
An exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' occurred in WinterLeaf.Engine.Omni.dll but was not handled in user code