express-decorator copied to clipboard
a light-weight module that register restful services by decorator for express.
Express decorator
a light-weight module to build TypeScript application with Express decorators
npm install express-decorator
- Use
to register express route for class. - Use
to register sub-route path for a method, - Inject request parameters from
- Inject Request,Response From express request.
- Support inject midware.
Quick Start
Create firsr restfult service.
@Path('/user', [ testMidware2 ])
export class UserService {
@GET('/:id', [ testMidware1 ])
list( @PathParam('id') id: string, @QueryParam('name') name: string) {
return [id, name]
delete( @PathParam('id') id) {
return [id];
create( @FormParam('user') user) {
return user;
update( @FormParam('user') user, @Response response, @Requst request) {
return user;
testCookie( @CookieParam('name') p1, @CookieParam('xx') p2) {
return Promise.resolve([p1, p2]);
testHeader( @HeaderParam('Cookie') p1, @HeaderParam('User-Agent') p2) {
return Promise.resolve([p1, p2]);
// midware
function testMidware1(req, res, next) {
req.body.test1 = "test1"
function testMidware2(req, res, next) {
req.body.test2 = "test2"
Register your service class
var app = express();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World!');
RegisterService(app, [UserService]);
var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
var host = server.address().address;
var port = server.address().port;
console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host, port);
Path(baseUrl: string, midwares?:Funtion[])
GET(subUrl: string, midwares?:Funtion[])
DELETE(subUrl: string, midwares?:Funtion[])
POST(subUrl: string, midwares?:Funtion[])
DELETE(subUrl: string, midwares?:Funtion[])
PathParam(paramName: string)
QueryParam(paramName: string)
FormParam(paramName: string)
CookieParam(paramName: string)
HeaderParam(paramName: string)
RegisterService(expressInstance, services:any[])