Sorry for the late reply. I simply don't have the authority to allow you to do this. Only the mod owner (Electroblob) can decide if he allows you. He is...
No promises but I have some vague plans to implement this (global cooldown of spells for each player, regardless of cast souce) as an alternative option alongside the current system
Are you in Peaceful mode?
AW2 has a special logic which prevents certain mobs from spawning within some structures (most notably skeletons, zombies and variants of them). Perhaps you are trying to spawn summons within...
Please test this with just EbWiz on your server, and if you have no issue with it, keep adding mods till it happens
Fixed in v4.3.6 Note if you are using the Ancient Spellcraft addon - be sure to check the file changelog on CurseForge for an additional step to stop the crash.
If I recall correctly this crash also happens if you die from a dispenser's spell ray. Without using a shield
You can disable dispenser casting for each spell. You just need to duplicate their .json files in your server's config folder, there are more details on that in the wiki...
All jsons go to the `config/ebwizardry/spell` folder. What you need to do, is set `"dispensers": false` for each
[]( if this helps - here is a copy of all spell jsons with dispensers disabled for all of them