William Weber Berrutti
William Weber Berrutti
What if the Recon Tank emitted a custom alert when enemy units are in its detection range? Something like "Enemies approaching" or maybe "Enemy movement detected"?
So it makes them more visible, specially on snow backgrounds. Or maybe have a new option in the settings for it.
If Outpost is built at the right edge border of the map, no expandable area is available to construct buildings nearby
What if when the Main Base has a garrison point to the Resource Deposit and produces Miners the Miner is sent to it and automatically creates the Mining Tower?
When you select a group of both deployed and undeployed Hacker Pods, it should be interesting to have only the undeployed ones deploy once ordered.
What if the game had a client-side option to change FOV, like in Doom or Quake source ports? Maybe limit it to a range, like vanilla Descent's minimum up to...
It's a nice feature I miss (and potentially other players) that was replaced by movie animations. Maybe have a client-side option?
So it doesn't accidentally harm (or kill) players, which can be frustrating. Maybe set an option for both single and multi player modes.
### Environment Git Commit: 3ad507fad88f7475751e2ca94d911c97c62cbc65 #### Operating System Environment Operating System: Arch Linux Kernel Version: 6.5.9-arch2-1 (64-bit) #### CPU environment * [X] x86\_64 (64-bit Intel/AMD) #### Game environment descent2.hog: -...