Would this only be in cases where all requests in a batch match whatever search criteria are being used, or would the batch be linked to if only one or...
We've had another complaint about this just now: > How can I reply to the status if my account is suspended? Weird logic....**[REDACTED]** should reply to my request first. Thank...
Am I correct in thinking that the difference between 1 and 2 is that 1 will leave the recall message visible on the request page, but that 2 would prevent...
> > Am I correct in thinking that the difference between 1 and 2 is that 1 will leave the recall message visible on the request page, but that 2...
I seem to recall I had some odd messages when I was doing the NI import. I'll look up the thread and add a comment here if I find anything.
Here: >When I had done dry runs previously, names matching caused it to "update" an existing body, whereas it now seems to throw an error. The uploading returned 504 gateway...
Here's a video (I artificially restricted the download bandwidth to `google-chrome` to 10 KB/s): [Slow loading page](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99501342/180493833-4ebf2d19-efea-4151-bf31-8e7dd48da0a2.webm)
This is still an issue. I encountered it today when redelivering [this message](https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/808136#incoming-2100224) from the holding pen.
> * Should the link be the normal link to the request, or a better, less intimidating, link? I think a less intimidating link would be better. The ideal, for...
If the problem (or a major part thereof) is about the storage of large files, then perhaps files could be compressed. For example, compressing images in PDFs to 300 dpi.