Gmod probably has a hardcoded limit on 64-bit to prevent issues between branches. Please can you just split the addon up into multiple addons, you are pushing the limits of...
This error is caused by Microsoft themselves... this stage of the installer that is erroring is the Webview2 runtime installer. That's it. Use an MSI Extractor program to get the...
@JaydenUB Does the same thing happen with gmpublish.exe?
Seems to be a Gmod issue, it just hangs when you return an error through a module, for whatever reason At first I thought it was doing a DNS lookup...
Hey, `luaL_getmetatable` isn't actually a function, it's a macro, as defined here: https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT/blob/505e2c03de35e2718eef0d2d3660712e06dadf1f/src/lauxlib.h#L118 You'll just have to use `lua.get_field(LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, foo)` where foo is the metatable id :)
`lua_string!("MongoDBCollection")` should work as metatable id
1. Did you put `require("workshop")` in a serverside file? 2. Is it being called BEFORE line 144 in sv_workshop.lua? 3. Did you install the DLL to garrysmod/lua/bin/gmsv_workshop_linux.dll ? 4. Are...
Yeah it's definitely possible. If the module used a lexer + parser to build an AST of the script, that could be used to snip out branches for DCE.
I think 2 is definitely the best option here. It will prevent any potential confusion. I am very much in support of this, it will improve the user experience. Luckily...