Hi Matt, No worries. I know you are busy. Many thanks for the detailed feedback. Concerning the OASIS template fMRIprep refers to " Marcus DS et al. Open Access Series...
Great! many thanks
For others, who might read this tread the sample used to create tpl-OASIS30ANTs is also described in https://github.com/templateflow/tpl-OASIS30ANTs/blob/master/template_sample.tsv @mattcieslak, I was a bit surprised by the sample demographics The template...
@mattcieslak I fully agree with you on this. Currently, we used the T1w only for getting the DWIs in ACPC orientation. Partly, because at the time of processing thousends of...
Hi Matt, Would have to check that ..... However, might be something with the particular data sets. I haven't seen it before in other large data sets I processed with...
Thanks @cookpa, I would have to look it up. By the way, I haven't had the time to look more into this issue, but I found out that the image...
No multiband. In this case the number of excitations equals the number of slices (N = 66). Thus the number of mporder=8 used, is still lower than N/4 ~ 16
Hi @ShreyasFadnavis, many thanks As mentioned previously, the stripped pattern appears to be artificial and due to how fsleyes displayed the image. Unfortunately, I have not found the time to...
Hi @mattcieslak is there some way to identify the slices that represent "t1_num_bad_slices". The "raw_num_bad_slices" generally fit nicely with the heatmap/carpet plot. Cheers
Is this something you intend to pursue, to get this functionality integrated into qsiprep? Thanks