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Vertical slabs
My friend multibuilder just asked me to request this :D
Willard probably won't add that
I wouldn't mind adding it. But I can't think of a user-friendly way to place them without breaking existing mechanics. Like, if you place a slab against a wall, you expect it to either place a top slab or a bottom slab, depending on which half of the block you placed it on. You don't expect it to place sideways. If you propose a solution to this that I like then I'll add it to my to-do list.
Maybe horizontal and vertical slabs could just have separate inventory shapes?
Only do sideways placement while shift is pressed? Then it can be only one item but have two behaviors
Making shift place sideways slabs would make it impossible to bridge with slabs.
Making them separate blocks/shapes could work, though it seems a little silly to have 2 shapes that are the exact same, but rotated. It could work though.
Maybe do what I said just now but reversed? Then you could have normal behavior when you press shift, but default to use side placement
or a menu pops up for selection?
actually, Thingmaker made logs that can be placed normally, or on the side of things, so that could be useful(although i personally am against the idea, just like Mojang is)
H O R I Z O N T A L S T A I R S Dramatization (cuz i cant think of the word but let me be it's 10:43 PM rn):
Yeah... He was suggesting a block of that shape.
that's not real, you just made 2 4x4 cubes and left 2 blocks out of the stone stairs
- I can't mod the game while in williard.fun/minekhan
- It's obvious due to the grass textures.
also, horizontal stairs, are not actually in minecraft
Yeah, I know. But I want them. Now give me your money. This is a robbery.