Blorc.OpenIdConnect copied to clipboard
LoadUserInfo with Resource seems to not being handled
Please check all of the platforms you are having the issue on (if platform is not listed, it is not supported)
- [ ] WPF
- [X] Blazor WASM
- [ ] .NET Core
As mentionned in a logto issue, it seems that the library does not handle the ExtraTokenParams
node with a resource
Version of Library
Version of OS(s) listed above with issue
Windows 11
Steps to Reproduce
"IdentityServer": {
"Authority": xx",
"ClientId": "xx",
"RedirectUri": "xx", // Remember to configure this in Logto
"PostLogoutRedirectUri": "xx", // Remember to configure this in Logto
"ResponseType": "code",
"Scope": "openid profile",
"LoadUserInfo": true,
"Resource": "yy",
"ExtraTokenParams": {
"resource": "yy" // Ensure the key is lowercase
- Login
- Wait error when redirecting to your web app
(If I remove the JSON node "ExtraTokenParams", there is no trouble!)
Expected Behavior
Being redirected without an error.