bulma-carousel copied to clipboard
Carousel dont appear when enter in a route
Hi, I have different carousels on different routes of my project. When the page is load/reload on the navigator, the carousel is perfectly showed. But when I click on a routerLink for enter a new page with another carousel, the page appear but without the respective carousel.
Anyone use this carousel with routers?
My package on the project "@angular/animations": "7.0.2", "@angular/common": "7.0.2", "@angular/compiler": "7.0.2", "@angular/core": "7.0.2", "@angular/forms": "7.0.2", "@angular/http": "7.0.2", "@angular/platform-browser": "7.0.2", "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "7.0.2", "@angular/router": "7.0.2", "animate.css": "^3.7.0", "bulma": "^0.7.2", "bulma-carousel": "^3.0.0", "core-js": "^2.5.7", "rxjs": "^6.3.3", "zone.js": "^0.8.26"
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GitMate.io thinks possibly related issues are https://github.com/Wikiki/bulma-carousel/issues/1 (Carousel Slamming), https://github.com/Wikiki/bulma-carousel/issues/3 (carousel scss file), https://github.com/Wikiki/bulma-carousel/issues/38 (Multiple carousel on Angular), https://github.com/Wikiki/bulma-carousel/issues/13 (Carousel not animating with Nuxt), and https://github.com/Wikiki/bulma-carousel/issues/6 (carousel-navigation is-overlay ).
I can confirm that behavior. Same in my app (using angular 6.1.0 with bulma-carousel 3.0.0).
@alexssandrog How do you use the bulma-carousel?
For my app I have created a separate component. Like in the documentation is written, I have called bulmaCarousel.attach(); only one time.
If I will reach a route with the first image-carousel, the attach will be performed and one carousel is listed in the array. If I navigate to another route with a carousel, the attach wont be called again and so no carousel instance exists for the new loaded page and so I wont see the image.
After changing that part in my component, so the attach() will every time be called, if my carousel-component will be created, it works.
But I'm not sure, if there is a problem, when the attach() will be called multi times (for instance one page contains two, three times the carousel-component)
@Chris81T , thanks for your time.
I dont have created a specific component to use with bulmaCarousel, I will try it this way.
Thanks again
@alexssandrog You're welcome. But the question is, if it is regardless, if the attach() method is called multi times, if more than one "carousel-component" exists on the same view/page. @Wikiki What do you think? Is this a problem?
It should lead to an issue due to multiple instantiation on same elements. Currently carousel component does not handle multiple instanciation so you will have events attached multiple times.