SQID copied to clipboard
Section "Classification" - merge related unnamed part of top area and sections "Classification", "Instances"
https://tools.wmflabs.org/sqid/#/view?id=Q5 human (Q5) human beingpersonhumankindpeoplehomosapiens (copy past did not work on the " | ") common name of Homo sapiens (Q15978631), unique extant species of the genus Homo
==1 unnamed== subclass of: every human is also a(n) person instance of: human is a(n) common name , descriptive item used as unit
==2 section "Instances"== Direct instances 4240876 [...] All instances 4096375 Typical Properties
==3 section "Classification"== Direct superclasses person 4101910 Direct subclasses [...] All subclasses 1009
Proposal: ==section "Classification"== subclass of: every human is also a(n) person instance of: human is a(n) common name , descriptive item used as unit Direct superclasses person 4101910 Direct subclasses [...] All subclasses 1009 Direct instances 4240876 [...] All instances 4096375 Typical Properties