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[ScriptIssue] Inkompatible with ScriptEngine
Hi ;D I have load a region with many scripts, when load the region, comes this errors messages https://paste.md-5.net/harubexeso.vhdl
Is that a bug or must I set in the inis ?
Greetings Bogus
actual git-repo under Ubuntu 16.04 x64 mono
Hi Bogus, This problem is due to the maximum threat level of scripts being set as 'Moderate' by default and your teleport script requires a 'High' threat level. You will need to adjust the 'FunctionThreatLevel = ...' in Config/Sim/Scripting/DotNetEngine.ini
Hello ;D Ok I have here more script issues, this errors messages comes by start from standalone. https://paste.md-5.net/nohigajilu.vhdl
Anyone a idea for a fix ?
Have a nice Day ;D
Greetings Bogus
Well that is interesting. Invalid argument usually means the script has an invalid argument of some sort within the script but usually gives a line number. The threat level indicates that you have the threat level set higher then is allowed for that script.
Can you send me the script and ill have a look to see if there is something a miss with DNE.
When I found the script, sure. I have load a oar from region, that was in OS online. And the erros from my first post and now this in the second.
The bottom line indicates that the function requires a threat level of veryhigh but your current settings only allow functions up to a high threat level. You will need to adjust this in your ini file as previously.
The invalid argument may be due to some inconsistency between opensim and whitecore which I will check out.
It actually sounds more like DNE is just being a fussy pain in the butt as normal. Do you happen to have the link to that OAR?
No, is a private oar
Ahhh Okay. If it is a newer OAR that was created recently it may be partly due to the changes going on in Opensim. One being the improper and incorrect changing of ThreatLevels in their scripting engine. If it is an older OAR then it is possible that DNE is just being fussy as normal.
Ok ;D The most script issues have I solved ;D But two scripts/items are make erros messages https://paste.md-5.net/wenalaviba.vhdl
And now I can not found this 2 items, so my question know anyone a objektsearc script so I can delete this bullshit of crap ?
If you look in your estate manager you can see the top scripts in the region you might be able to locate them tht way. Unfortunately I don't have a script on me that can search for them. Additionally you could attempt to return all objects in your about land (parcel details window)
yes, I know this option, but I can not found the both bullet Item ;(
And return the objects .. oh my over 5000 items .. no is not a option ..
Well bullets are projectiles and usually are temp rez so I am sort of surprised they didn't get deleted by now. I will have to see if I can come up with a simple script for you to find them. Only other option which I am sure is not really an option is the return all objects feature and then re-rez the ones you want out but that is rather time consuming.
Check the locations of the appropriate prime... prim name: Bullet@ <22.53393, 0.2948416, -0.1008495>item name: Bullet prim name: Bullet@ <23.22695, 1.821792, -0.07556319>item name: Bullet
Also, I have checked the land_collision stuff and there does not appear to be anything unusual here. The function is expecting a vector3 location as its argument and from previous details, this may be loaded from an notecard (but it does appear this has been corrected)
can I found over the console the items and delete the bullets ?
Hmmm that is actually a good question. My instinct says yes but i unfortunately don't know that command off hand.
Bogus you should be able to locate the prim by transporting in-world nearby to the location of the prim in question. e.g.: 22.53393, 0.2948416, -0.1008495 Pretty strange locations but should be near bottom left of the region. If there is land at the normal level (height approx 20) then these objects are below ground... which might explain the land_collision error
You can also use the commands show objects
and possibly show objects Bullet
If you can determine the UUID of the objects then they can be deleted using delete object uuid
with the uuid you determined. e.g. delete object uuid 413c7220-d9e3-11e5-8544-000c297e3c5c
Thanks greythane, but where can found the uuid ?