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Temp prims go to lost and found folder is an issue or a feature?
it can be problem for low disc capacities if rented vm but for those who has no problem with disk capacity its ok maybe
Windows 10 version 9.4 from last update Standalone region
rezing a prim making it temp and instead of automatically purging it goes to lost and found folder. when drop it out from lost and found its copy stays in inventory and out rezzed
Temp Prims aren't purged correctly, they are handled as normal prims and such, send to the L&F folder.
In 0.9.5 we need to fix this to check if a prim has the Temp bit set.
these temp prims take region prim capacity too even they are temporary. should be not counting when temp i think
Commit #432fc39.. has additional functionality to correct this issue. Please verify if this has now been corrected
@YouCanDolT Please let us know if the issue is now fixed
this looks grate. prim gone for real after made it temp. but now look into the region capacity. when made prim temp it counts back ok but here is a but - when untick the temporary label from prim the region capacity not goes lower. it goes upper/more to normal only in case if other prim gets marked as temp. tried in openspace mainland region from default build x64 on windows 7. runprebuild made Compile.VS2010.net4_0.x64.debug.bat and used it
Which object count is going up, the total number of objects, or the number of available objects remaining?
If the number in parenthesis is going down but the total number of rezzed objects is going up then that would be a normal case because it is adding the newly rezzed prims to that count.
try tick in than untick the temp to see how it changes. when making temp it minus and goes back as its not counting this prim, this ok. but when untick it back it not counts this prim back in. but when make other prim as temp this count-in returns. this not big problem but if large linksets counts out like this and not counts in when back to not temp it can make someone to misuse it
Thank YouCanDoIt, The corrections I put in need to account for this and I will have look at what is happening.