docker-zen-node copied to clipboard
Maintaining Repository
Hi there,
I'd be interested in maintain this repository for you. I've been in the crypto space since 2017 actively, and passively since 2011. I've specifically been with Horizen when it was still ZenCash mid and later 2017 onwards, and hosting nodes since that same time.
I do a lot of work with containers, and ansible so these toolsets are familiar to me already.
hi @tsujp
Thanks for reaching out. Great, what I will do is add you as a maintainer for the repository.
Docker builds happen automatically through DockerHub but require manual approval so I think it'll be safe to add you directly to the github repository first for you to at least manage the version upgrades.
If you need any help please feel free to ping me.
Hello :)
Thanks for the work done so far! I can help here as well to maintain :).
I have been using it first alone, then with ansible and ended up creating my own fork and docker images:
Also this fixes the possibility to bootstrap from existing nodes. I'm also willing to add a ssh keys management (for now uses passwords).
Anyway, I'm using this and actively working on it, and happy to make it common or keep my fork :). Edit: I just read again and you mention that already ~What happens with the docker hub account handling the docker images?~
Thanks again for running (and creating?) this repo for a while :)
Hello @emirdora I think your merge request is on a different fork
As of now images are built automatically whenever a change is made to github. Perhaps those who are still tracking this could simply submit a PR to bump the label which would then trigger a rebuild of the docker image on docker hub
You are now in demand! A forced update is pending!