eqwalizer copied to clipboard
False positive on map update
I've noticed what I believe is false positive and shrank it down to the minimal example:
-type error_map() :: #{binary() => binary()}.
-type elem() :: #{id:=binary(), elements:=list(elem())} |
#{id:=binary(), value:=term(), error:=binary()}.
-spec embedd_error(error_map(), elem()) -> elem().
embedd_error(Errs, #{id:=_Id, elements:=Elems}=Group) ->
lists:map(fun (Elem) ->
embedd_error(Errs, Elem)
end, Elems)};
embedd_error(Errs, #{id:=Id}=ReqItem) ->
Err = maps:get(Id, Errs),
ReqItem#{error => Err}.
Program goes through tree-like struct and places error in each leaf node. When I eqwalize it, I get the following error message:
error: incompatible_types
┌─ src/lib1.erl:13:5
13 │ ╭ ╭ Group#{elements=>
14 │ │ │ lists:map(fun (Elem) ->
15 │ │ │ embedd_error(Errs, Elem)
16 │ │ │ end, Elems)};
│ ╰─│────────────────────────────────^ ..#{..}.
Expression has type: #S{elements := [elem()], id := binary()} | #S{elements := [elem()], error := binary(), id := binary(), value := term()}
Context expected type: elem()
If Group
is of type elem()
and I update one of the field that already exist in it, should the expression remain of type elem()
I use OTP 26.1, latest eqwalizer (ref "41869ab6eb30e9ff34545fe5f9c0a4caa797cfc2") and elp 1.1.0+build-2023-08-31
Yes this is a false positive, thank you for reporting it.
This is a known issue in eqWAlizer's handling of pattern matching: it currently does not refine the type of variables bound to a pattern using Pat = Var
, so here, the type of Group
is not properly refined to the case #{id:=binary(), elements:=list(elem())}
Our current implementation of occurrence typing makes it non-trivial to support, but we're exploring possible solutions.