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Dependency-free stream utils for Node.js


Dependency-free stream utils for Node.js

Released under the MIT license.

yarn add mhysa

Tested with Node.js versions 8+


Convert an array into a Readable stream of its elements

Param Type Description
array T[] Array of elements to stream
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b"])
// ab is printed out

map(mapper, options)

Return a ReadWrite stream that maps streamed chunks

Param Type Description
mapper (chunk: T, encoding: string) => R Mapper function, mapping each (chunk, encoding) to a new chunk (or a promise of such)
options object
options.readableObjectMode boolean Whether this stream should behave as a readable stream of objects
options.writableObjectMode boolean Whether this stream should behave as a writable stream of objects
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b"])
    .pipe( => s.toUpperCase()))
// AB is printed out

flatMap(mapper, options)

Return a ReadWrite stream that flat maps streamed chunks

Param Type Description
mapper (chunk: T, encoding: string) => R[] Mapper function, mapping each (chunk, encoding) to an array of new chunks (or a promise of such)
options object
options.readableObjectMode boolean Whether this stream should behave as a readable stream of objects
options.writableObjectMode boolean Whether this stream should behave as a writable stream of objects
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "AA"])
    .pipe(Mhysa.flatMap(s => new Array(s.length).fill(s)))
// aAAAA is printed out

filter(predicate, options)

Return a ReadWrite stream that filters out streamed chunks for which the predicate does not hold

Param Type Description
predicate (chunk: T, encoding: string) => boolean Predicate with which to filter scream chunks
options object
options.objectMode boolean boolean
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
    .pipe(Mhysa.filter(s => s !== "b"))
// ac is printed out

reduce(iteratee, initialValue, options)

Return a ReadWrite stream that reduces streamed chunks down to a single value and yield that value

Param Type Description
iteratee (chunk: T, encoding: string) => R Reducer function to apply on each streamed chunk
initialValue T Initial value
options object
options.readableObjectMode boolean Whether this stream should behave as a readable stream of objects
options.writableObjectMode boolean Whether this stream should behave as a writable stream of objects
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b", "cc"])
    .pipe(Mhysa.reduce((acc, s) => ({ ...acc, [s]: s.length }), {}))
// {"a":1,"b":1","c":2} is printed out


Return a ReadWrite stream that splits streamed chunks using the given separator

Param Type Description
separator string Separator to split by, defaulting to "\n"
options object
options.encoding string Character encoding to use for decoding chunks. Defaults to utf8
Mhysa.fromArray(["a,b", "c,d"])
// a|bc|d is printed out


Return a ReadWrite stream that joins streamed chunks using the given separator

Param Type Description
separator string Separator to join with
options object
options.encoding string Character encoding to use for decoding chunks. Defaults to utf8
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
// a,b,c is printed out

replace(searchValue, replaceValue)

Return a ReadWrite stream that replaces occurrences of the given string or regular expression in the streamed chunks with the specified replacement string

Param Type Description
searchValue string | RegExp Search string to use
replaceValue string Replacement string to use
options object
options.encoding string Character encoding to use for decoding chunks. Defaults to utf8
Mhysa.fromArray(["a1", "b22", "c333"])
    .pipe(Mhysa.replace(/b\d+/, "B"))
// a1Bc333 is printed out


Return a ReadWrite stream that parses the streamed chunks as JSON

Mhysa.fromArray(['{ "a": "b" }'])
    .once("data", object => console.log(object));
// { a: 'b' } is printed out


Return a ReadWrite stream that stringifies the streamed chunks to JSON

Mhysa.fromArray([{ a: "b" }])
// {"a":"b"} is printed out


Return a ReadWrite stream that collects streamed chunks into an array or buffer

Param Type Description
options object
options.objectMode boolean Whether this stream should behave as a stream of objects
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
    .pipe(Mhysa.collect({ objectMode: true }))
    .once("data", object => console.log(object));
// [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] is printed out


Return a Readable stream of readable streams concatenated together

Param Type Description
streams ...Readable[] Readable streams to concatenate
const source1 = new Readable();
const source2 = new Readable();
Mhysa.concat(source1, source2).pipe(process.stdout)
source1.push("a1 ");
source2.push("c3 ");
source1.push("b2 ");
source2.push("d4 ");
// a1 b2 c3 d4 is printed out


Return a Readable stream of readable streams merged together in chunk arrival order

Param Type Description
streams ...Readable[] Readable streams to merge
const source1 = new Readable({ read() {} });
const source2 = new Readable({ read() {} });
Mhysa.merge(source1, source2).pipe(process.stdout);
source1.push("a1 ");
setTimeout(() => source2.push("c3 "), 10);
setTimeout(() => source1.push("b2 "), 20);
setTimeout(() => source2.push("d4 "), 30);
setTimeout(() => source1.push(null), 40);
setTimeout(() => source2.push(null), 50);
// a1 c3 b2 d4 is printed out

duplex(writable, readable)

Return a Duplex stream from a writable stream that is assumed to somehow, when written to, cause the given readable stream to yield chunks

Param Type Description
writable Writable Writable stream assumed to cause the readable stream to yield chunks when written to
readable Readable Readable stream assumed to yield chunks when the writable stream is written to
const catProcess = require("child_process").exec("grep -o ab");
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
    .pipe(Mhysa.duplex(catProcess.stdin, catProcess.stdout))
// ab is printed out


Return a Duplex stream from a child process' stdin and stdout

Param Type Description
childProcess ChildProcess Child process from which to create duplex stream
const catProcess = require("child_process").exec("grep -o ab");
Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
// ab is printed out


Return a Promise resolving to the last streamed chunk of the given readable stream, after it has ended

Param Type Description
readable Readable Readable stream to wait on
let f = async () => {
    const source = Mhysa.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"]);
    console.log(await Mhysa.last(source));
// c is printed out