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Helper Enum for handling cache TTLs in a simple, easy and friendly way
Cache TTL Helper
Helper Enum for handling cache TTLs in a simple, easy and friendly wayInstallation
composer require wendelladriel/cache-ttl-helper
This package provides a simple Enum class with some helper methods to handle cache TTLs in a simple, easy and friendly way.
All methods are static, and they all return the TTL in seconds.
Methods available
use WendellAdriel\CacheTtlHelper\CacheTTL;
CacheTTL::second(); // 1s
CacheTTL::seconds(30); // 30s
CacheTTL::minute(); // 60s
CacheTTL::minutes(5); // 300s
CacheTTL::hour(); // 3600s
CacheTTL::hours(2); // 7200s
CacheTTL::day(); // 86400s
CacheTTL::days(3); // 259200s
CacheTTL::week(); // 604800s
CacheTTL::weeks(2); // 1209600s
CacheTTL::month(); // 2592000s
CacheTTL::months(6); // 15552000s
CacheTTL::year(); // 31536000s
CacheTTL::years(2); // 63072000s
- Wendell Adriel
- All Contributors
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