FSCalendar copied to clipboard
How can I modify the localized strings of FSCalendar for diff language, like For Spanish the date shows "17 de ene. de 21" whereas I want to make it "17 ene. 21" please suggest.
The following informations are requested in a bug report
- A brief bug description.
- Stack trace.
- Integration method.
- Full steps to reproduce.
- Device modal and iOS version.
e.g. iPhone 6s iOS9.1
- Xcode version.
e.g. Xcode 8.1
- FSCalendar version.
e.g. FSCalenda 2.5.1
- Does this happen in the demo project? Which one? Or a link to another demo project.
- 简单描述一下问题。
- 控制台输出的堆栈跟踪(如果有的话)。
- 安装方式.
。 - 能够重现此问题的完整步骤。
- 设备型号及版本。
例如: iPhone6s iOS9.1
- 使用的Xcode版本。
例如: Xcode8.1
- FSCalendar版本.
例如: FSCalendar 2.5.1
- 是否能在demo中重现,以及在哪个demo中重现?或者附加一个重现问题的demo链接。
Using a date formatter, you can do the following:
var formatter: DateFormatter = { let formatter = DateFormatter() formatter.dateFormat = "dd MMM. yy" return formatter }()
And then within a function (let's say didSelect) you can do the following:
func calendar(_ calendar: FSCalendar, didSelect date: Date, at monthPosition: FSCalendarMonthPosition) { print("Date Selected = (formatter.string(from: date)") }