FSCalendar copied to clipboard
pagingEnabled and rowHeight conflict issues, Please reply to me.
Hi i have a problem, After initWithFrame sets the following code, use the masonry framework to constrain the layout.
_calendar = [[FSCalendar alloc] init]; _calendar.scrollDirection = FSCalendarScrollDirectionHorizontal; // horizontal _calendar.scope = FSCalendarScopeWeek; // week Scope _calendar.headerHeight = 0; _calendar.weekdayHeight = 50; // _calendar.pagingEnabled = NO; // _calendar.rowHeight = 60;
The problem is pagingEnabled is true by default state, Setting rowHeight has no effect. After setting pagingEnabled to false, rowHeight is valid, but calendarWeekdayView is hidden. Check out the previous questions, it is said that this problem can be set in the "calendar: boundingRectWillChange: animated:" proxy method, but I set it is also invalid, and also changed according to the Demo, is it because I use the masonry framework? Please reply me as soon as possible, help me, thank you. thanks!!!
The same issues, Have you solved this problem