Neighbor2Neighbor_Pytorch copied to clipboard
Framework results
Have you trained this framework? Do the results match with the reported results in the paper?
i didn't validate the results reported in original paper, i have only tried it on my own dataset. but this method is truly effective from my observation, but it is only adapted for the zero-mean noise distribution prior. As reported in the paper that it is a extension of the noise2noise.
Yeah, it is truly effective, but following their setting, my training result only gets 49.55 dB PSNR in the validation dataset (lower than theirs 51.06 dB). And about theory in the paper, I think it is not true mathematically.
Yeah, it is truly effective, but following their setting, my training result only gets 49.55 dB PSNR in the validation dataset (lower than theirs 51.06 dB). And about theory in the paper, I think it is not true mathematically.
i also read this paper recently and have some doubts on theory in the paper, can i discuss with you about it? My email is [email protected]. looking forward to hear from you!
Yeah, it is truly effective, but following their setting, my training result only gets 49.55 dB PSNR in the validation dataset (lower than theirs 51.06 dB). And about theory in the paper, I think it is not true mathematically.
i also read this paper recently and have some doubts on theory in the paper, can i discuss with you about it? My email is [email protected]. looking forward to hear from you!
Yeah, sure.
Nice to discuss with you, what is your doubts on this paper? I think the formula (2) in the paper is not quite right? how about you?
Huy Nguyen @.***> 于2021年4月17日周六 下午9:25写道:
Yeah, sure.
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Yeah, I think the main ideal random selection in a block 2x2 is not true mathematically. From a statistical perspective, the noise depends on pixel intensity and maybe independent with other pixels. Assume the denoising function is f and 2 neighbours in block 2x2 are y1 and y2. Their loss function is |f(y1) - y2|_2 but the ground truth or original signals of y1 and y2 are x1 and x2 and x1 is different with x2. So that I think it is not true, regardless of their addition regularization term.
I think carefully about what you said. there are some assumptions which is not shown in the paper, i recommond you to review the article Noise2Noise. The Neighbor2Neighbor is a extension on the Noies2Noise and you will find the answer to your question.
Huy Nguyen @.***> 于2021年4月17日周六 下午10:15写道:
Yeah, I think the main ideal random selection in a block 2x2 is not true mathematically. From a statistical perspective, the noise depends on pixel intensity and maybe independent with other pixels. Assume the denoising function is f and 2 neighbours in block 2x2 are y1 and y2. Their loss function is |f(y1) - y2|_2 but the ground truth or original signals of y1 and y2 are x1 and x2 and x1 is different with x2. So that I think it is not true, regardless of their addition regularization term.
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Yeah, I have read it before, noise2noise theory is only true when 2 noisy pixels in the same location have the same ground truth pixel. Because it needs 2 noisy images same scene, which is very hard in a real situation, so they had proposed many noise2noise variants like noise2sim, noiser2noise for using only 1 noisy image.
i argree with you, if the block 2x2 pixels have big difference from each other, the theory of Neighbor2Neighbor is not true. but in the experiments the four sub-samples have no diference intuitively.
Huy Nguyen @.***> 于2021年4月20日周二 下午5:15写道:
Yeah, I have read it before, noise2noise theory is only true when 2 noisy pixels in the same location have the same ground truth pixel. Because it needs 2 noisy images same scene, which is very hard in a real situation, so they had proposed many noise2noise variants like noise2sim, noiser2noise for using only 1 noisy image.
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Yeah, surprisingly the result of neighbor2neighbor is pretty good although without ground truth. Have you tested this theory with the other complex CNNs?
Yeah, surprisingly the result of neighbor2neighbor is pretty good although without ground truth. Have you tested this theory with the other complex CNNs?
yes, i have tested it with REDNET-30, which presented a little better effects based on my datasets. Original network in this paper used the blind-spot network, which is a extension of the UNET.
Yeah, it is truly effective, but following their setting, my training result only gets 49.55 dB PSNR in the validation dataset (lower than theirs 51.06 dB). And about theory in the paper, I think it is not true mathematically.
Sir, for SIDD dataset, do you input the full size of images or crop them to a certain size? I cannot reproduce those results. Thanks a lot!
I use random cropping.
Yeah, it is truly effective, but following their setting, my training result only gets 49.55 dB PSNR in the validation dataset (lower than theirs 51.06 dB). And about theory in the paper, I think it is not true mathematically.
Sorry to bother you, sir. I also cannot reproduce those results and find there is little data-processing code on github. I use my data-processing code and official training code. Could you point out my mistake? ps: BayerUnifyAug comes from
MODEL_BAYER = {'GP':'BGGR','IP':'RGGB','S6':'GRBG','N6':'BGGR','G4':'BGGR'}
class Dataset(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, path, crop_size, is_train=True):
super(Dataset, self).__init__()
self.crop_size = crop_size
self.is_train = is_train
if self.is_train:
self.unify_mode = 'crop'
self.unify_mode = 'pad'
self.file_lists = []
folder_names = os.listdir(os.path.join(path,'Data'))
for folder_name in folder_names:
scene_instance_number,scene_number,_ = meta_read(folder_name)
for file_path in NOISY_PATH:
self.file_lists.append(os.path.join(path, 'Data', folder_name, scene_instance_number+file_path))
def __getitem__(self, index):
noisy_path = self.file_lists[index]
gt_path = noisy_path.replace('NOISY', 'GT')
_,_,bayer_pattern = meta_read(noisy_path.split('/')[-2])
noisy = h5py_loadmat(noisy_path)
noisy = BayerUnifyAug.bayer_unify(noisy, bayer_pattern, TARGET_PATTERN, self.unify_mode)
gt = h5py_loadmat(gt_path)
gt = BayerUnifyAug.bayer_unify(gt, bayer_pattern, TARGET_PATTERN, self.unify_mode)
if self.is_train:
augment = np.random.rand(3) > 0.5
noisy = BayerUnifyAug.bayer_aug(noisy, augment[0], augment[1], augment[2], TARGET_PATTERN)
gt = BayerUnifyAug.bayer_aug(gt, augment[0], augment[1], augment[2], TARGET_PATTERN)
noisy = pack_raw_np(noisy[:,:,None])
gt = pack_raw_np(gt[:,:,None])
if self.crop_size[0] != 0 and self.crop_size[1] != 0:
H, W, _ = noisy.shape
rnd_h = random.randint(0, max(0, H - self.crop_size[0]))
rnd_w = random.randint(0, max(0, W - self.crop_size[1]))
noisy = noisy[rnd_h:rnd_h + self.crop_size[0], rnd_w:rnd_w + self.crop_size[1], :]
gt = gt[rnd_h:rnd_h + self.crop_size[0], rnd_w:rnd_w + self.crop_size[1], :]
noisy = torch.from_numpy(noisy.transpose(2, 0, 1))
gt = torch.from_numpy(gt.transpose(2, 0, 1))
return noisy, gt, bayer_pattern
def __len__(self):
return len(self.file_lists)
def meta_read(info):
info = info.split('_')
scene_instance_number = info[0]
scene_number = info[1]
smartphone_code = info[2]
#ISO_level = info[3]
#shutter_speed = info[4]
#illuminant_temperature = info[5]
#illuminant_brightness_code = info[6]
return scene_instance_number,scene_number,MODEL_BAYER[smartphone_code]
def pack_raw_np(im):
img_shape = im.shape
H = img_shape[0]
W = img_shape[1]
## R G G B
out = np.concatenate((im[0:H:2,0:W:2,:],
im[1:H:2,1:W:2,:]), axis=2)
return out
def h5py_loadmat(file_path:str):
with h5py.File(file_path, 'r') as f:
return np.array(f.get('x'),dtype=np.float32)
I cropped a patch that had size 512x512 with stride 128 (overlap between patches) from the raw dataset. Then I had randomly cropped a small patch like 128x128 from the patch 512x512 above. I also did random flipping X and Y.
Thanks for your detailed reply. I directly crop a big patch (512x512) to train the model and it works well.