LIR-for-Unsupervised-IR copied to clipboard
This is an implementation for the CVPR2020 paper "Learning Invariant Representation for Unsupervised Image Restoration"
As your attempt, you want to divide the pascalvoc dataset into 4, and this .py file is just for pascalvoc dataset. But in your code : def splitlist(folder, trainfolder1, trainfolder2,...
Does the clean data set come from the VOC data set? So do you need to search for noise data by yourself? Where is the noise data set used by...
I just test some effects of model, so can you offer your pretrained model?
The work is interesting! However, in your paper, you only add a KL divergence loss to regularize the distribution of the noise code, while you add KL loss to all...
Hello, I want to ask what is '/mnt/B290B95290B91E33/Dual_UNIT/outputs/unit_noise2clear-bn-Deblur/checkpoints/' in
in dis_update(self, x_a, x_b, hyperparameters): the content adversial codes are , out_a = self.dis_content(h_a) out_b = self.dis_content(h_b) why not use h_a.detach() and h_b.detach() to avoid the update in the parameters...