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Image-translation-assisted segmentation in 3D


Pytorch implementation for the image translation assisted segmentation in 3D (ITAS3D), an annotation-free 3D gland-segmentation method based on generative image-sequence translation, which allowed us to extract histomorphometric glandular features.

This pipeline consists of two steps: the image-sequence translation from the fluorescent analog of H&E histology images to CK8 immunofluorescence (initiated with single-level image translation), and the 3D segmentation of glands based on the synthetic CK8.

The code and user instrctions borrow heavily from Video-to-Video Synthesis and pix2pix.

Image-sequence translation training


  • Linux or macOS
  • Python 3
  • PyTorch 0.4


  • Clone this repo:
git clone
cd ITAS3D/seq_translation
  • The dependencies are available in ITAS3D/img_translation/environment.yml
  • We strongly suggest to create an individual conda environment for the image-sequence translation, for example, seq_translation.


  • First, download the FlowNet2 checkpoint file by running python scripts/

  • Training with a single GPU:

    • We trained our models with a 12-GB GPU (NVIDIA Tesla P100) at the targeted resolution (1024 x 1024 for each level in the image sequence).
    • For example, we provided a sample training script (/ITAS3D/seq_translation/scripts/
    source activate seq_translation
    python /ITAS3D/seq_translation/ --name ${SEQ_MODEL_NAME} --dataroot /ITAS3D/seq_translation/datasets/${DATASET_NAME}/ --checkpoints_dir /ITAS3D/seq_translation/checkpoints --dataset_mode w1 --output_nc 3 --loadSize 800 --n_downsample_G 2 --n_frames_D 2 --num_D 3 --max_frames_per_gpu 1 --n_frames_total 4 --niter_step 2 

Single-level image translation training


  • Linux or OSX
  • Python 3


  • Clone this repo:
git clone https://
cd ITAS3D/img_translation
  • The dependencies are available in the ITAS3D/img_translation/environment.yml
  • We strongly suggest to create an individual conda environment for the single-level image translation, for example, img_translation.


  • Training with a single GPU:

    • We trained our models with a 12-GB GPU (NVIDIA Tesla P100) at the targeted resolution (1024 x 1024 for each level in the image sequence).
    • For example, we provided a sample training script (/ITAS3D/img_translation/scripts/
    source activate img_translation
    python /ITAS3D/img_translation/ --dataroot /ITAS3D/img_translation/datasets/${DATASET_NAME} --checkpoints_dir /ITAS3D/img_translation/checkpoints --name ${IMG_MODEL_NAME} --model pix2pix --netG unet_512 --direction AtoB --lambda_L1 100 --dataset_mode frameseq --norm batch --pool_size 0 --input_nc 3 --output_nc 1 --load_size 1024 --crop_size 512 --display_id 0

Testing/Inference of image-sequence translation

  • Sample test case can be downloaded with
cd /ITAS3D/seq_translation/
python ./scripts/
  • Trained models can be downloaded with
cd /ITAS3D/seq_translation/
python ./scripts/
  • We provided a sample test script(/ITAS3D/seq_translation/scripts/
## Step 1: single-level image translation

source activate img_translation

python /ITAS3D/img_translation/ --dataroot /ITAS3D/seq_translation/datasets/${DATASET_NAME} --checkpoints_dir /ITAS3D/img_translation/checkpoints --name ${IMG_MODEL_NAME} --model pix2pix --netG unet_512 --direction AtoB --dataset_mode frameseqtest --norm batch --input_nc 3 --output_nc 1 --results_dir /ITAS3D/img_translation/results/${DATASET_NAME} --num_test 100000 --load_size 1024 --crop_size 1024 

python /ITAS3D/img_translation/ --group_name ${DATASET_NAME} --img_model_name ${IMG_MODEL_NAME}

## Step 2: image-sequence translation
conda deactivate
source activate seq_translation

python /ITAS3D/seq_translation/ --name ${SEQ_MODEL_NAME} --dataroot /ITAS3D/seq_translation/datasets/${DATASET_NAME} --checkpoints_dir /ITAS3D/seq_translation/checkpoints --dataset_mode w1_test --output_nc 3 --loadSize 1024 --n_scales_spatial 1 --n_downsample_G 2 --use_real_img --results_dir /ITAS3D/seq_translation/results/${DATASET_NAME} --how_many 100000

conda deactivate

Other details

3D gland segmentation based on synthetic CK8 immunofluorescence images

  • Please see code in /ITAS3D/segmentation.ipynb

Glandular feature extraction

  • Please see code in the folder /ITAS3D/glandular_feature