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WeihanLi.Common copied to clipboard

common tools, methods, extension methods, etc... .net 常用工具类,公共方法,常用扩展方法等,基础类库

Results 7 WeihanLi.Common issues
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- [x] Built-In IoC - [x] Built-In AOP - [x] Built-In Repository - [x] Built-In Logging - [x] Built-In TOTP implement - [x] Built-In EventBus - [x] Built-In PipelineBuilder -...


[ ] Currently, the event needs a strong-typed event instance that implements `IEventBase`, maybe we could remove the constraint to make it much easier to use. [ ] Secondly, maybe...

There are many warnings for AOT, let's fix them https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/creating-aot-compatible-libraries/

for example: ```text Hello {{name|upper}} Hello {{ date | date:"yyyy-MM-dd" }} Hello {{ name | replace:"123":"Abc" | upper }} ``` - https://angular.io/guide/pipes

Currently, we only support one field orderBy, while in some scenes, we may need to order by multi fields.
