TitleGetter copied to clipboard
There's a bug in Batch Mode.
According to the test, I spot a bug when trying getting multiple titles.
/_ __/(_)/ /_ / /___ / ____/___ / /_ / /_ ___ _____
/ / / // __// // _ \ / / __ / _ \ / __// __// _ \ / ___/
/ / / // /_ / // __/ / /_/ // __// /_ / /_ / __// /
/_/ /_/ \__//_/ \___/ \____/ \___/ \__/ \__/ \___//_/
By WeepingDogel
[Loaded] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Main_Page
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/titlegetter", line 232, in <module>
Page = Do.GetPage(headers=headers, URL=PureURL, session=session)
TypeError: Process.GetPage() missing 1 required positional argument: 'config'
Obviously, it's a problem in missing an argument in line 232.
Page = Do.GetPage(headers=headers, URL=PureURL, session=session)
OK, then I'll add it back here.
Page = Do.GetPage(headers=headers, URL=PureURL, session=session, config=config)
then, problem is fixed! All done!