Check box seeding had no effect. But once I did restart the WebTorrent Desktop, it would be seeding and available again. I had the same issue with hybrid, since this...
It just went offline again and these were the logs which happened between seeding and failing: ``` webtorrent: got wt-progress C:\Users\weeds\AppData\Local\WebTorrent\app-0.24.0\resources\app.asar\build\renderer\main.js:347 dispatch: mediaControlsMouseEnter [] C:\Users\weeds\AppData\Local\WebTorrent\app-0.24.0\resources\app.asar\build\renderer\main.js:347 dispatch: mediaControlsMouseLeave [] 22C:\Users\weeds\AppData\Local\WebTorrent\app-0.24.0\resources\app.asar\build\renderer\main.js:363 webtorrent:...
+1 I love p2.js and would love it even more with a new release!!! ;-)
Any news?
yeah, this would be great!
Hello, do you have a new Discord Link? The one above expired... I got some familiar question to this topic: https://github.com/subins2000/p2pt/issues/49 Thanks a lot!
How is the progress going? Phaser lets me change the scrollFactorX/scrollFactorY for tiles and works beautiful, it would be nice if Phaser-tiled gets this, too! THX
I just tested it with: http://starsystems.ch/p2pt/ and I got the same result 😥 Hope somebody has an answer, why p2pt does not works on Chrome?
Thank you for your answer. Here in this feature Issue, I am going to keep you updated on our progress. Do you have any good recommendations regarding the awareness protocol....
Or do it hardcore and just use the shim... https://github.com/webrtc/adapter