laravel-pdfmerger copied to clipboard
$oMerger->save() and out() Error.
ErrorException (E_DEPRECATED) The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls
the proyect don't allow save pdfs
Same problem here...
please update below code on this file vendor/setasign/fpdi/fpdi.php
while (list($k, $v) = each($value[1])) { $this->_straightOut($k . ' '); $this->_writeValue($v); } update: foreach ($value[1] as $key => $value) { $this->_straightOut($key . ' '); $this->_writeValue($value); }
the better solution would be, to update the requirement: "setasign/fpdi-fpdf" - setasign already fixed the issue, if you update to next major releases - not 1.6 any more (thats already marked as legacy).