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Monitor LuaAPI at the GDS level for changes in LuaAPI
Hello my friend, I want to detect the change of the Lua variable in the LuaAPI, just like I wrote the following code in the Lua script by setting the "_newindex" or "index" function of the metatable of the "_G" table, but I want to detect it in the GDS script, is there any way to detect this? just like this:
setmetatable(_G, {
__index=function(self,idx) if idx==name then return proxy end end;
Or, is there any way I can modify the _G table in Lua via GodotScript?
var lua = LuaAPI.new();
hp = 10;
function change()
hp = hp + 1;
Here's what it looks like: I want to be able to detect in the GDS script when the hp variable is changed in the Lua script For example, when a variable changes, I can connect a signal to detect something like that
I know there is something called "LuaObjectMetatable", but I'm declaring a class that inherits from LuaObjectMetatable. I still can't get the expected result when I create a LuaAPI and modify its object_metatable to this class. There is no way to monitor Lua's global variables for changes.
# GodotScript MyLuaObjectMetatable.gd
extends LuaObjectMetatable;
class_name MyLuaObjectMetatable;
func __index(obj : Object, lua: LuaAPI,index: String):
print(obj, ".", index);
func __newindex(obj : Object, lua: LuaAPI,index: String, value):
print(obj, ".", index, "." ,value);
# GodotScript Test.gd(Main Scene)
func _ready():
var lua = LuaAPI.new();
lua.object_metatable = MyLuaObjectMetatable.new();
hp = 10;
function change()
hp = hp + 1;
Or rather.... how to use it?
So the object_metatable does not get applied to the global table. Currently besides doing it from within lua we do not offer a way to do this. Potentially support could be added though.
The object_metable rather is applied to godot types which inherent from the Object type.
@Yanxiyimengya I haven't tried this yet but what if you did something like this?
var mymetatable := MyLuaObjectMetatable.new()
lua.push_variant("mymetatable", mymetatable)
lua.do_string("setmetatable(_G, mymetatable)")