ngtemplate-loader copied to clipboard
Include AngularJS templates in the Webpack bundle and preload the template cache.
I am using Webpack5 to build the below angularjs project My project structure as below -Editor - App - Client index.js .... HTML, js and png files - Logic .......
I get this error `Uncaught Error: ES Modules may not assign module.exports or exports.*, Use ESM export syntax, instead` on html templates. ref: - - changing to...
I have tried a lot of different configuration settings to be able to load my templates like so: ``` import myTemplateUrl from './hello-angular2-template.thtml'; angular .module('pd') .component('helloAngular2', { templateUrl: myTemplateUrl, });...
I'm new into webpack and trying move gulp to webpack. facing issue in "ngtemplate-loader". Below is my webpack config. const path = require('path'); const webpack = require("webpack"); const optimize =...
Hello team, I am using the `ngtemplate-loader` and everything works quite fine as expected, as far as I have tested. though I am finding a bit of problem in the...
This add compatibility with html-loader 1.0+. Also, replaces html with more limited disruption of original code to avoid breaking other loaders that add code to html-loader (like file-loader).
This may fixes issue #85
Hello, I'm new to AngularJS and I recently started working on an old codebase. I've simplified the code in order to have the minimum required dependencies to reproduce what I'm...
I tried to upgrade from babel-6 to babel-7 but was blocked by auto-template loader not working. At first it seems to resolve the paths differently (I had to change to...
Options "exportAsEs6Default" and "exportAsDefault" work the same way as in html-loader.