DataSphereStudio-Doc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DataSphereStudio-Doc copied to clipboard


Open specialbiscuit opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments


specialbiscuit avatar Dec 28 '21 03:12 specialbiscuit

@wushengyeyouya 大佬,帮忙解决下这个问题

specialbiscuit avatar Dec 29 '21 07:12 specialbiscuit


specialbiscuit avatar Jan 04 '22 07:01 specialbiscuit

目前我的调用方式需要调用到5个服务:请求发起 -> /tokenQuery (没有拿到token) -> /execute/query_user(我的服务path, token直接数据库取得) -> /93/get (获取任务状态, status为Suucess就继续下一步) -> /getDirFileTrees(获取到path路径,为下一步提供入参) -> /openFile (获取结果) -> 请求结束。 不知道是不是这样,如果是这样,感觉调用一个服务要走这么多接口吗,还是说我理解错了,求大佬帮助

specialbiscuit avatar Jan 04 '22 08:01 specialbiscuit

楼上的 /execute/query_user操作,会经常性的返回status为Failed的结果,我对比了DSS后台的查询方式,看到了/get请求要反复查询的,这个对于外部系统没法这样调用,请问有别的调用方式吗

specialbiscuit avatar Jan 04 '22 08:01 specialbiscuit

Data service token from/queryById? Interface returns (page clicks into use), field is userToken. Access to all interfaces is GateWay certified. The token of a data service can only be used for the management process of a data service. Authentication using postman requires either cookies on the page or secret key authentication using linkis-gateway. Add Token-Code: XXX to the headThis specifies the login key for linkis-gateway Token-User: XXX This specifies the login user for linkis-gateway.

liuyou2 avatar Jan 04 '22 09:01 liuyou2

Data service token from/queryById? Interface returns (page clicks into use), field is userToken. Access to all interfaces is GateWay certified. The token of a data service can only be used for the management process of a data service. Authentication using postman requires either cookies on the page or secret key authentication using linkis-gateway. Add Token-Code: XXX to the headThis specifies the login key for linkis-gateway Token-User: XXX This specifies the login user for linkis-gateway.

I did it according to this step, and also called execute/{path:*}, but in the step of {id}/get, the status returned was FAILED

specialbiscuit avatar Jan 04 '22 09:01 specialbiscuit


Data service token from/queryById? Interface returns (page clicks into use), field is userToken. Access to all interfaces is GateWay certified. The token of a data service can only be used for the management process of a data service. Authentication using postman requires either cookies on the page or secret key authentication using linkis-gateway. Add Token-Code: XXX to the headThis specifies the login key for linkis-gateway Token-User: XXX This specifies the login user for linkis-gateway.

If I want to get the result set, do I have to call 5 interfaces, namely /tokenQuery, /execute/{path:*}, /{id}/get, /getDirFileTrees and /openFile, is this calling method correct?

specialbiscuit avatar Jan 04 '22 09:01 specialbiscuit

path: {id}/get result: { "method": "/api/dss/apiservice/{id}/get", "status": 0, "message": "OK", "data": { "task": { "taskID": 93, "instance": "DEV-Hadoop-CDH-Node1:29104", "execId": "IDE_root_spark_27", "umUser": "root", "engineInstance": null, "executionCode": "import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame\nval executeCode = \"\"\"select * from jyh_ind.s_user_hive where id = ${id} limit 1\n\"\"\"\nval df = sqlContext.sql(executeCode)\nshow(df)\n", "progress": "1.0", "logPath": "hdfs:///tmp/linkis/root/log/IDE/2022-01-04/93.log", "resultLocation": null, "status": "Failed", "engineType": "spark", "errCode": null, "errDesc": null, "executeApplicationName": "spark", "requestApplicationName": "IDE", "runType": "scala", "paramsJson": "{\"configuration\":{\"runtime\":{\"\":\"hdfs:///tmp/linkis/root/linkis/20220104_153226/IDE/93\",\"source\":{\"DSS-ApiService\":\"file:///appcom/linkis/root/show/select_02.sql\",\"requestIP\":\"\"},\"job\":{\"resultsetIndex\":0,\"#rt_rs_store_path\":\"hdfs:///tmp/linkis/root/linkis/20220104_153226/IDE/93\"}}},\"variable\":{\"ApiServiceToken\":\"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbkRldGFpbCI6eyJhcHBseVVzZXIiOiJyb290IiwiYXBwbHlUaW1lIjoxNjQxMjc4OTM0MDU0LCJhcGlTZXJ2aWNlSWQiOjEsInB1Ymxpc2hlciI6InJvb3QifSwiZXhwIjoxNjcyODE0OTM0LCJpYXQiOjE2NDEyNzg5MzR9.fB5QYqsfMiUzKQJXNYAmNkMGYPQjB9-sJDNwuLYDbqQ\",\"id\":1}}", "costTime": 0, "strongerExecId": "exec_id018026linkis-cg-entranceDEV-Hadoop-CDH-Node1:29104IDE_root_spark_27", "sourceJson": "{\"DSS-ApiService\":\"file:///appcom/linkis/root/show/select_02.sql\",\"requestIP\":\"\"}", "sourceTailor": "file:///appcom/linkis/root/show/select_02.sql-", "labels": null, "subJobs": null } } }

specialbiscuit avatar Jan 04 '22 09:01 specialbiscuit

Please use execId to call Linkis Java SDK or RestAPI to fetch result.

wushengyeyouya avatar Jan 19 '22 06:01 wushengyeyouya