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Website running user and event management.
The admin page should only retrieve the last 5 classes. This should help with load times.
- [ ] Create new checkr app - [ ] Have checkr create candidate - [ ] Have checkr create invitation - [ ] Create checkr webhook processor (update status...
Mentors should only be on website team page if they have taught 3 classes in the last 2 years.
With this PR: - Courses can be assigned prerequisites - Registration for a session will only be allowed if a student has the necessary prerequisites - If a student still...
Allow `Courses` to have prerequisites. For example, _JS 1_ has no other course prerequisites. However, _JS 2_ has a prerequisite of _JS 1._ _JS 3_ has _JS 2_, and so...
**Describe the bug** The tooltip that is meant to be on the disabled Enroll buttons during course registration are broken for age/gender restrictions. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior:...
We need to have on record the home address for both volunteers and parents. - [ ] Address - [ ] City - [ ] State - [ ] Zip...
After successfully registering as a mentor. If a mentor goes to their account page, the form there allows the mentor to remove their first & last name and successfully save...
I noticed on the email confirmation screen, it shows the username instead of the full name (First Last). See screen shot:  _Originally posted by @rgroves in