Lighthouse-cli copied to clipboard
adding support to content-type text/html fixed by: @GabrielFerraroDev
There is issue when we rerun the upload command it's started from first images to upload instead of starting from left off, we uploaded 408 images at that point we...
Is it possible to update the metadata of some minted NFTs? Thanks.
would be useful to be able to mass transfer SEI or any other token to wallets based on a snapshot
Hi, I'm trying to register a collection on testnet and when run the command deploy got this error: ⠋ Registering Collection/Users/victorbuttner/.nvm/versions/node/v19.8.1/lib/node_modules/@we-bump/lighthouse-cli/node_modules/@cosmjs/stargate/build/queryclient/queryclient.js:134 throw new Error(`Query failed with (${response.code}): ${response.log}`); ^ Error:...
HI guys I when I deploy the lighthouse I get the error code below, May I know what is the error here? Registering CollectionC:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@we-bump\lighthouse-cli\node_modules\@cosmjs\stargate\build\queryclient\queryclient.js:134 throw new Error(`Query failed with (${response.code}):...
Awesome repo, @sha237gh! I am trying to follow this tutorial How does one integrates with Dagora or any other NFT marketplace?
Sorry for creating this issue, can we mint multiple nft for owner without creating group/Invisible on ui/cli?
Hello guys, PS E:\Projects\sei-mint-update> lighthouse deploy ⠹ Deploying CW721 ContractC:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@we-bump\lighthouse-cli\node_modules\@cosmjs\cosmwasm-stargate\build\cosmwasmclient.js:84 throw new Error(`Account '${address}' does not exist on chain. Send some tokens there before trying to query sequence.`); ^ Error:...
Is there any way to cap the number of NFTs minted per group ? For example having public first capped at 1k NFTs minted then have the whitelist group mint...