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A website to tell your confession, and to see your IP.

My Name Is Walter Hartwell White

A website to tell your confession, and to see your IP, inspired by BattleOfWits

A live-version is running on my server

Support and fuel my stupidity by donating to my Patreon


  • Clone the repository and open a terminal in the folder
  • Run npm i to install the dependencies (fastify, axios)
  • Make sure to have ffmpeg installed (not the NodeJS version!), you can install it by running sudo apt install ffmpeg (If you're on Windows use my FFmpeg Installer script)
  • Transpile the code by running npx tsc
  • Run walter by running node .
  • Optional: See below for information on how to create a systemd service for walter so it will run under a daemon

[!WARNING] To change the port number that the webserver runs on, you will have to edit the index.ts file (./src/index.ts) and edit the variable portNumber - Read the comments below for a important notice.

Add it as a systemd service

There is a walter.service file that contains a example configuration for Walter, you'll have to change this to your own configuration and move it into /etc/systemd/system/, for example using mv ./walter.service /etc/systemd/system/, then start it with systemctl start walter.service

[!WARNING] If you are using NVM to manage your NodeJS versions, you will need to replace node . in the systemd service with /home/ZZZZ/.nvm/versions/node/vXX.XX.XX/bin/node . where ZZZZ is your username and XX.XX.XX is the version of NodeJS you are using.


Probably won't give out support for this, as it's just a little stupid thing, nothing special. If you really, really, really require help, create a issue

Re-written by Alek

My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Aroya Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104.