Warren Weckesser

Results 29 issues of Warren Weckesser

Nicolas, this looks like a fantastic book. Thanks for sharing it. I have one suggestion. In the "Conventions" section of the Preface, you include import scipy as sp as one...

It could be useful for `write_png` to return information about the PNG file that it created. In particular, it might be useful to know the palette that was created when...

### Issue with current documentation: See, for example, the [online doc for `cdouble`](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.scalars.html?highlight=cdouble#numpy.cdouble), or look at the result of `np.complex128?` in ipython: ``` In [7]: np.complex128? Init signature: np.complex128(real=0, imag=0)...

04 - Documentation

Unlike the other scalar types, `numpy.float64` silently ignores unknown keyword arguments: ``` In [17]: np.__version__ Out[17]: '1.20.0.dev0+f0171ba' In [18]: np.float64(123, foobar="plate of shrimp") Out[18]: 123.0 ``` The other types raise...

00 - Bug

ENH: special: Use boost for a couple ufuncs. * Add the ufunc `powm1(x, y)` to compute `x**y - 1`. This function is useful when `y` is close to 0, or...


Expand the capabilities for analysis of variance in SciPy. This is a very rough draft; issues include a rough (i.e. inconsistent and incomplete) API, no parameter validation tests (but lots...


### Describe your issue. `ive(v, z)` returns `nan` for sufficiently large `z`. This results in `stats.argus.mean(chi)` returning `nan` for sufficiently large `chi`. ### Reproducing Code Example ```python In [85]: from...


This is another case where I'm not sure if the behavior is expected, undefined or a bug. If I call `ibeta_inv(a, b, p)` with `a` or `b` a subnormal number...

It looks like most of the internal links within the SciPy API reference page include a link to an id within the page using a `#` reference that skips the...
