Warren Weckesser

Results 106 comments of Warren Weckesser

Check out the rendered docstring at [numpy.char.decode](https://output.circle-artifacts.com/output/job/599a9f4b-0f68-4564-b718-ff8327c1261d/artifacts/0/doc/build/html/reference/generated/numpy.char.decode.html#numpy.char.decode). The code shown in the rendered doc is not valid Python, because `b'ÁÁÁ'` will generate a `SyntaxError`. Making the entire docstring a raw...

I'm running 64 bit Linux. My Python is a miniconda installation (i.e. "mini Anaconda"). NumPy is version 1.21.2, with MKL as the BLAS/LAPACK backend: ``` In [4]: np.__version__ Out[4]: '1.21.2'...

Another data point: starting from a barebones miniconda, I installed all of SciPy's dependencies with pip, including numpy (which means I get the OpenBLAS backend), and I don't get the...

@mckib2, if I use those commands to install everything (starting with a basic miniconda: Miniconda3-py39_4.10.3-Linux-x86_64.sh), I don't get any crashes. I noticed that the conda command installs a lot of...

@pssk1988 Yes. The docstrings of those functions do not have an "Examples" section. The docstring standard that scipy tries to follow is https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/doc/HOWTO_DOCUMENT.rst.txt; in particular, ["Sections"](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/doc/HOWTO_DOCUMENT.rst.txt#sections) defines the sections that...

The "Examples" section is the last section. My understanding is that the recommended order of the sections in the docstring is the same as the order they are described at...

@vagishagupta23, thanks for your interest in contributing! `dblquad` is not mentioned because it already has an "Examples" section; see https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.dblquad.html (scroll down to the bottom to see the example). Check...

> As for the @ operator, we cannot use this yet as it requires Python >= 3.5. FYI: Python 3.6 is now the minimum version supported by SciPy, so using...

> I see, but it still does not call the best BLAS functions for this purpose. I edited my comment to say "is allowed" instead of "is fine". I didn't...

I added a link to the other issue in the above description. In that discussion, you [commented](https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/13049#issuecomment-1170061966) > As said earlier, @mdhaber and I proposed to do the work. My...