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list of gameplay wishes and balances

Open Lagi7 opened this issue 3 years ago • 14 comments

add Town Hall a salvage button.

so its easier to move TH to the next mine. without building catapult to destroy own TownHall. Additional resources from salvage would help with the transition to new place. Some mechanic should be added to prevent misclick, because this would ruin a lots o game.

First TownHall player build should be free, and have build time 100. The next one (either multi TH option or destory first one and rebuild near next gold mine) should cost 1500/500 and be build 500 time.

EDIT: this is only an issue in multi, when you start with 1 worker. Just increase build time? Or start solo with more than 1 worker?

Barrack should require Farm.

to prevent cheese build. also to postpone the moment when Footman/Grunt are rushing opponent base. This also increase chances, for teching to later game.

Stable/Kennel should NOT require Blacksmith

in competitive game Stable needing Blacksmiths make access to knights/riders extremely late. Without this there is an option to go for catapults (vs base) or riders (tough fast unit).

(Magic) Towers should be a shooting turret.

range 7 or 6 (catapult has 8, archer has 5). (slow rate of fire, high damage ??). This would be use to defense the base. A shame its such a late game turret, but still would be useful, to incline players to go all in, because he know he still has some defense in base.

6. Church (human) should grant some benefit in base defence.

Orcs temple is very nice during Base Defense. Because allow to win ties (solo between footman and grunt). Similar mechanic should be granted to Humans. Shouldnt be too good, to not change meta to spam Churches. And should be in line with Orcs Healing. So no shooting turrent, no direct damage - boosting own units, or nerfing enemies.

I think Church could increase by 2 Armor for all units in tile 2 range.... Or increase damage? or change damage to Pierce type (very good for defending with Footman, also old school Archer return)? EDIT: mana regeneration I think

7. wall could be upgraded into Archer Turrets.

... need graphic for turrets for 2 races (with stages of construction). need wall to be selectable... archer turrets could require Blacksmith ( so fast tech would gain some defense tools against player who mass armies).

Blacksmith need more research options.

if we have 4x upgrades (or 6 even?), then building multiple blacksmith will make more sense. Without need to refer to novelty mechanics like multi Blacksmith=faster research.

other upgrades could be: light armor - +1/+2 armor for Archer,Cleric,Conjurer & Spearman,Necrolyte,Warlock catapult damage - unupgraded catapult would need to have damage reduced. building armor - unupgraded buildings would need to have armor reduced (5/10/20?) farming tools - farm gain +1/+2 supply

... the best would be if orcs and humans have different upgrades.

Stable become more useful.

thats easy - flyers spawn point ! We will eventually get there :)

except faster mounts upgrade, could have 2nd research option:

barding armor (for humans) - +1/+2 extra armor for Knights (max out at 7) and Gryphons (flyers dont benefit from Shield upgrade) healing saliva (for orcs) - regeneration for Riders and Wyverns

Lagi7 avatar Jan 07 '22 10:01 Lagi7

... next idle worker quick key should be just ''i'', not alt+i

...when worker cut some tree, he immediatly lose all of it if you give him any other order that cut trees elsewhere, why he cannot just carry his 57 sticks to other place? or even to TownHall?

... upgrades should be queued just like units. so in tower i can make queue of research and wizards production

... could be add alternative set of short keys - competitive command keys where WSAD is map scroll as arrows ~is extra command group. TAb is next barrack (There is only 1x townhall most of the time) QERFZXCV are covering all order keys F1 is map location CAPSLOCK - not sure something that is toggle ON/OFF

Lagi7 avatar Jan 16 '22 19:01 Lagi7

where WSAD is map scroll as arrows

this intersects with [A]ttack and [S]top commands

QERFZXCV are covering all order keys

Not sure. There is a possibility of adding new units and commands to their abilities, and see above.

Inho the right way is add possibility to set custom command keys from menu.

TAb is next barrack (There is only 1x townhall most of the time)

Barracks can be grouped with ctrl+# as any units. So not sure TAB is useful for this purposes.

ipochto avatar Jan 17 '22 07:01 ipochto

first to be clear, i dont want to take away the current control scheme. I want to add option in menu. Like with order lines you tick box in options and have different key shortcuts.

attack and stop should be moved to [E] ATTACK, and [Q] STOP. (i test it in modded Starcraft, and it works great).

UI left panel for warcraft 1 is barely design to accommodate 6 buttons, so 8x QERFVCXZ should be enough in every case.

Please bear in mind, that for this option, i do not want any semantic correlation between button and command, f.ex. "p" is patrol because of the first word letter, but its extremely unhandy to press P with left hand on keyboard. I would like all the spells be always on FCV so i can quickly tap the button with my index finger.

Tim mentions that custom key's assignment is a big hassle and his not gonna make it. Im too stupid to do it too.

in warcraft3 the backspace is centring the view on top of town halls. And is super handy. You could put each TH on separate number, but usually you need numbers for units and building than train units. So now with TAB, you dont have to do the work of grouping barracks each game, you have more numbers for units or other buildings. Also in game you use only 1 to 5 (maybe im retarded because i cannot hit 6 (or ctrl+6), without looking at the keyboard).

TAB will be more useful for switching to next barrack than current hiding terrain on minimap.

hmm... probably there are some cool handy function for TAB and CAPSLOCK, that im not aware of, that are better than cycling Barracks.

and last its only my idea, i have no clue how to code it, but even if I know, it would not ruin anyone experience.

Lagi7 avatar Jan 17 '22 09:01 Lagi7

1. priest healing should cost 2 mana 2. salvage dont return wood from th 3. th longer build time (good in campaign, in solo hmm...) 4. darker icons (salvage, saliva) 5. lower buildings armor (not 20 armor everything) 6. Slime is too tough in orc Deadmine mission - i manage to beat it after careful utilisation of skeletons 7. Rider regeneration upgrades are too good. 8. Orc in campaign mission nr6 black morass (vs blue orcs) recieve 1st level of Saliva for free, and in mission nr8 Center of Human recieve both upgrades of saliva from start! 9. Archer is tougher than footman! its odd, that its better to focus on infantry as strongerDPS and weaker target!! 10. Garona need speed upgrade, shes too slow in campaign (not that it matter) 11. vision spell need to cost less mana (70 is way too much)

Lagi7 avatar Jan 20 '22 09:01 Lagi7

icons static: -invisible - make horizontal blue line

  • unholy armor - 2x immobile red souls creating a circle
  • wounded - blood drop (place in corner)
  • poison - skull (place in corncer)

Lagi7 avatar Jan 27 '22 16:01 Lagi7

play and check Tim map with critters. (increase gold in mine) include in pull

Lagi7 avatar Jan 27 '22 16:01 Lagi7

show Supply on top UI bar

Lagi7 avatar Jan 30 '22 19:01 Lagi7

.. something need to increase speed - water elemental ? ...Polymorph would be great... and the critter could be just decoration on maps ... you could polymorph own unit for sneak attack 😄 ... posion cloud should make everyone poisoned.. this will allow more units to have different resistance - catapults take 0 dmg ... Blood lust - for Demon ... spearman could have poisoned spears, it kind of fit to this unit ... eat corpse - to gain health ... freeze/block of ice - block movement ... transform trees into Units, Treefolks .... freeze - make bridge over water ... devour unit - eat unit W3 kodo beast. New orc unit? ... freeze - could slow down unit/but increase armor OR completly lock in Ice invulnerable but immobile ... we could have fire balls -- like catapults shots ... or Ice bolts ... FEAR - we could temporary turn ON the Coward flag for target units ...Sleep - need to attack unit to wake her up ... stun - immobilize units for x sec ... traverse water - water elemental is amphibious

Lagi7 avatar Jan 30 '22 19:01 Lagi7

Water elemental could trap target in Ice - unit will not move nor can be harm - i think whirlwind from w2 use similar mechanic? or it could give speed 0 (still too fast), attackspeed 10000, and unholy armor with some ice block graphic on top.

Demon could has AoE Fireball - clickable after cooldown. to finish off multiple enemies (or workers).

why not speed buff/dmg buff? because this doesnt feel right for ultimate units water elemental boosting your economy by hasten workers? demons sitting in the back to increase damage of your Grunts?

Lagi7 avatar Feb 01 '22 22:02 Lagi7

resource to pick up (first who pickup benefit then its gone), shop to buy items (forget about inventory mess, just +1Armor for 1 unit), camp to hire mercenary, trade post to exchange resources, location for the temple/magic tower (cant build it just in own base) healing location mana regenerating location animals - could be used by spellcaster. Kill to summon skeleton f.ex., or charm to use as scout, or just ombat unit (even to tank dmg) special upgrades - like +1 supply to all farms - you need to hold location for all research time temporary global bonus - +1 gold/sec

Lagi7 avatar Feb 19 '22 17:02 Lagi7

fire elemental - a crack in the ground with some vulcano ... daemon, water elment, spider, skeleton and scorpion cannot be hire because they are used by races already .. brigand, female orc (orcness?), ogre and slime are also available ...slime could be a pond of some green goo, with half dissolve skeletons inside... fit to the Swamp tileset ... brigand and ogre, could be a mercs hire from Tavern

Lagi7 avatar Feb 19 '22 17:02 Lagi7

new units: orc - shaman/druid - use female sprite she would be late unit, only available if you build Totem building in special map location (Wyrmsun style). she still has no attack, but has 2x spells :

multi utility spell: animate tree (slow, low dmg, high armor and HP) OR charm animal (creep on map - they have attack, but nice for scout) OR summon wolf - depends where is cast.

transform spell: transform herself into some beast - melee attack (devour skill)

human sorceress (as above equivalent, and need building in special place):

multi utility spell: freeze - create block of ice that : block map as obstacle, hide unit in stasis (own or enemy) or freeze water, allowing for passage

transform spell: polymorph - turn unit into sheep Lagi — Dziś o 21:55

Lagi7 avatar Mar 02 '22 20:03 Lagi7

the amount of resources could be reduce by one zero

instead paying 400 for Grunt, let he cost 40

repairs costing 1/1 would be significant cost instead only annoyance of spoiling full 100

i was thinking how much resource could workers bring to have more diversified single digit counter. I think 7.

7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70 .... all the digits are there from 0 to 9, magic (also 3 work like that, but is little too low)

if we cut resource income from 100 gold per bag to 10, we could reduce it more to 7.

"but this will slow down game by 30% !" not really, we would give more starting workers - i mean 5x is fine, maps need to be adjusted already anyway.

Lagi7 avatar Apr 02 '22 20:04 Lagi7

fire elemental - a crack in the ground with some vulcano ... daemon, water elment, spider, skeleton and scorpion cannot be hire because they are used by races already .. brigand, female orc (orcness?), ogre and slime are also available ...slime could be a pond of some green goo, with half dissolve skeletons inside... fit to the Swamp tileset ... brigand and ogre, could be a mercs hire from Tavern

A neutral graveyard that spawns skeleton creeps in addition to the fire elemental and slime spawners i am pretty sure despite being summonable, there are neutral hostile skeletons too

MSTVD avatar Sep 25 '23 20:09 MSTVD