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Gnoll Wars Startdate - History

Open Malicos opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments



Developer changelog:


Developer Notes:


  • The Gnolls under Packlord Garfang wage war against the Kingdom of Stormwind. The exact extent of their territorial control at game start is still to be determined.
  • Stromgarde still firmly clings to Durnholde, which serves as a major point of contention between them and Alterac.
  • Alterac controls northern Hillsbrad and lands south of Andorhal.
  • Zul'aman is fractured between various warlords, who are at free-for-all war against each other. The victor becomes the undisputed ruler of the Amani. The high elves are sure to take advantage of the situation, so for Amani players it's imperative to beat every other contender ASAP.
  • Gilneas is (still) ruled by the Adericians.
  • Lordaeron is on the expansionist path, having fully incorporated the former autonomy of Andorhal in the recent years. Stratholme still remains an autonomous city-state, although it's also close to become incorporated. The high elves have high stakes in control of the territory due to its strategic position as a major port and cultural crossroads between the humans and elves, with the magistracy split between influential dignitaries from both races.
  • Central Silverpine is home to a forest troll tribe.
  • Southern Silverpine remains a Gilnean fiefdom under Mistmantles, albeit diminished due to border disputes with Lordaeron and now is facing external problems in the form of encroaching murlocs or gnolls.
  • As a result of the last Alteraci-Stromic war, Southshore has been established as an autonomous merchant republic and a client state of Stromgarde. Due to intermingling of cultures, it is represented as Baradin in-game.
  • Black Morass remains mostly an Atal'ai fiefdom, where the Hakkari thrive undisturbed by the meddling of Gurubashi 'inquisitors', the latter having abandoned the region in between the events of 353-508.
  • The Dark Irons are still reeling from the disastrous effects of the War of the Three Hammers, with the last holdouts that refuse to bow before Ragnaros' cohorts being entrenched deeply in the Badlands and northern Searing Gorge.


  • The night elves remained isolationist for centuries. They hold a stronger grip over Azshara, with Eldarath being a duchy encompassing lands directly neighboring Ashenvale and the port of Nendis. However, the Kaldorei peace has been disturbed by the belligerent union of the centaur clans led by Therakhan Asuthakir, who seeks to challenge Cenarius. This conflict became known as the War of the Silver Crescent.
  • The centaur of Kalimdor are at their peak during that period, with most of the territory being held by an ambitious Therakhan Asuthakir, who is at war with the Kaldorei and their Tauren allies in Stonetalon.
  • Zul'farrak is in control of the nearly the entire territory of Tanaris and Shimmering Flats, as well as their colony of Molten Cay. Without major foes, the empire enjoys a time of relative peace and stability.
  • Silithus is undisturbed for centuries. It is populated by qiraji and night elven undead that have been haunting the former sites related to the War of the Shifting Sands.
  • The Azuremyst Isles are mostly held by the Furbolg, although it has a small portion of Highborne elves inhabiting the southern portion of Bloodmyst, led by a shady adventurer named Nazzivar.
  • Feralas has not seen much change compared to future bookmarks, with a major change being a tribe of Dark Trolls inhabiting the southwestern territories. Eldre'thalas remains isolationist. A twisted highborne named Verinias holds a small elven ruin.
  • The future site of Durotar is a Quilboar stronghold that is contested with the harpies.
  • The mesas of Thousand Needles serve as a primary area of concentration for the nomadic Tauren in this time period. Shimmering Flats are Farraki border region.
  • Dustwallow Marsh has a large concentration of Tauren.
  • The Barrens are mostly controlled by the Centaur, with quilboar holdouts in the border regions and a small tauren presence.
  • Mulgore is mostly controlled by the Therakhanate, with a harpy roost in the future site of Thunder Bluff.
  • Stonetalon Mountains has a Kaldorei presence and a confederacy of Tauren, which was formed as a response to Centaur aggression towards the Kaldorei.
  • Uldum has less pygmies, with Suntouched controlling the southwest, and Tefnut dynasty holding the fiefdom around Khartut and Sakhet.


  • The presence of the kvaldir is diminished compared to later startdates, since the burial ground wasn't desecrated by the pirates yet. This may extend to 583 startdate as well.
  • Hrothgar's Landing is still known by its former name of Tualiq, and is inhabited by Tuskarr. This may extend to 583 startdate as well.
  • Strand of the Ancients (AKA Alduran) is held by the Titanforged.
  • Zul'drak's territorial extent is far greater, possibly extending slightly beyond Jintha'kalar.
  • A major frost vrykul jarldom is present in Icecrown.
  • A war between the Hylndir and Dun Niffelem is in progress. Territorial extent of both sides is yet to be determined.
  • The Nerubians are amassing in En'kilah and Naz'anak.
  • Isle of Conquest is contested between Vrykul, Tuskarr and Wolvar.


  • The goblin cartels have barely formed, and therefore are not yet united under a Trade Coalition.
  • The Zandalari retain their presence in the southern parts of Kezan, which is considered a sacred land.


  • Stormsong Valley remains in control of the Quilboar tribes. Storm Isle is a major Void stronghold held by the Faceless.
  • The future site of Freehold, known as Drisburg is still part of the Kul Tiran Admiralty, with a major dwarven population.
  • Tol Barad is under control of the Stromic Crown, as a vassal fiefdom ruled by Baradins.
  • Darkmoon Island is part of Stromic Crownlands.


  • Small changes to the Zanchuli Council.
  • Jadakal the Old Believer leads the Hakkari-worshipping Nazmani against the G'huuni 'heretics'.


  • TBD


  • [x] Kalimdor
  • [ ] Great Sea
  • [ ] Northrend
  • [ ] Pandaria
  • [ ] Eastern Kingdoms

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Malicos avatar Nov 28 '20 16:11 Malicos