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[SUGGESTION] | Dalaran society / Agents of the Kirin Tor
I think, it's time we got some society for the good mages, too (not just the warlocks and necromancers :P).
Requirement for joining the society:
- Mage, sorcerer, warlock, lich or necromancer
- combined class with one of the previous classes
Monthly progress points could be gained from:
- Learning
- Sorcerer
- Shrewd
- Quick
- Genius
- (Mage)_class_level
Missions could include:
Help your people -- Check realm: --- river in your realm : bridge repair/construction --> local increased tax modifier, local reduced revolt risk modifier, local increased movement speed modifier --- mountains / farmlands in your realm : create shorttime portals between mine+smelter+village, farm+mill+village --> local increased tax modifier
Fight against evil magic user -- enemy should depend on own level -- fight could use normal duel system (or suggested magical battle) --- possibility of mind control or syphoned soul or corruption --- might earn magical artifacts
Fight against elemental/demon -- enemy should depend on own level -- fight could use normal duel system (or suggested magical battle) --- possibility of mind control or syphoned soul or corruption --- possibility to take enemy as companion/familiar --- might earn magical artifacts
Create a magical artifact
create a gem of health/power/wisdom, pipe of insight, portal stone(?)
Powers: Rank 1: Create Pipe of Insight Rank 2: Foresight (like vanilla hermetic power) Create Mana Stones (similar to soul shards, but created using mana) Create Gem of xyz Rank 3: Create portal stones Rank 4: Call for a great expedition - Similar to Warrior's League Legendary adventure, but looking for places of great power/historical importance. Could go for a dragon's lair, the Dark Portal, Zin-Azshari, Kharazan etc. Leading to fights, yielding powerful magical artifacts in the end and/or character modifiers.
Election of the leader: +500 points for holder of k_dalaran
Related to #406 and #603.
To 406, yeah, but with more then just the "make a society" idea, here are some suggestions... 603 is more about th realm of dalaran, can't see anything there about society...