Christian Bartel
Christian Bartel
How am I supposed to solve this? I try to use Netty in a complex project and it simply denies to compile the thing. None of the netty jars is...
Thank you for the offer, I need to setup a new project to reproduce the error in an isolated context. I will let you know.
This is driving me completly crazy! I have tried to separate the problem to an isolated environment, but it simply does not compute... Now moditect is complaining during the maven...
If you like to take a look still, please check out the io.nadron.client pom in the module io.nadron.client in the project here: The pom: I believe it all...
Wow, thank you! I did not even know about this option. I will try it out tonight! Adding module info to the other jar should work like with the others...
Thank you a lot! I have it working now (checked in).
I actually think the ui is pretty fine. Only thing with that is that some of the areas are too long downwards and triggering vertical scrollbars (and that is only...
I fixed the grids and created a pull request. I hope I did it the way it is supposed to be and that this is usefull.
Any news on a new build?
Thank you! :-D