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【Code of CVPR2021 paper】Recurrent Multi-view Alignment Network for Unsupervised Surface Registration (CVPR 2021)


This repo is the implementation of the paper: Recurrent Multi-view Alignment Network for Unsupervised Surface Registration (CVPR 2021).

Paper address: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.12104

Project webpage: https://wanquanf.github.io/RMA-Net.html


Prerequisite Installation

The code has been tested with Python 3.8, PyTorch 1.6 and Cuda 10.2:

conda create --name rmanet
conda activate rmanet
conda install pytorch=1.6.0 torchvision=0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge igl

Other requirements include: eigen3, Openmesh and MeshlabServer.

Build the cuda extension:

python build_cuda.py


Pre-trained Models

Download the pre-trained models and put the models in the [YourProjectPath]/pre_trained folder.

Run the registration

To run registration for a single sample, you can run:

python inference.py --weight [pretrained-weight-path] --src [source-obj-path] --tgt [target-obj-path] --iteration [iteration-number] --device_id [gpu-id] --if_nonrigid [1 or 0]

The last argument --if_nonrigid represents if the translation between the source and target is non-rigid (1) or rigid (0). Registration results are listed in the folder named source_deform_results, including the deforming results of different stages. We have given a collection of samples in [YourProjectPath]/samples, and you can run the registration for them by:

sh inference_samples.sh


The dataset used in our paper can be downloaded here.

Or you can also construct your dataset that can be used in our code. To show how to construct a dataset that can be used in the code, we give a sample script that constructs a toy dataset that can construct the packed dataset. Firstly, build the code for ACAP interpolation (you should change the include/lib path in the [YourProjectPath]/data/sample_data/code_for_converting_seed_to_dataset/vertex2acap/CMakelists.txt):

cd [YourProjectPath]/data/sample_data/code_for_converting_seed_to_dataset/vertex2acap
python build_acap.py

Then, download some seed data into the [YourProjectPath]/data/sample_data/seed folder, and then convert the seed data into a packed dataset (you should change the meshlabserver path in [YourProjectPath]/data/sample_data/code_for_converting_seed_to_dataset/sample_points_for_one_mesh.py):

cd [YourProjectPath]/data/sample_data/code_for_converting_seed_to_dataset
python convert_seed_to_dataset.py

For simplicity, you can also directly download the constructed packed dataset into [YourProjectPath]/data/sample_data/code_for_converting_seed_to_dataset/packed_data.

Train with the dataset

To train with the constructed dataset:

cd [YourProjectPath]/model
python train_sample.py

The settings (the weights of the loss terms, the dataset, etc) of the training process can also be adjusted in the train_sample.py. The training results are saved in cd [YourProjectPath]/model/results.


Please cite this paper with the following bibtex:

    author    = {Wanquan Feng and Juyong Zhang and Hongrui Cai and Haofei Xu and Junhui Hou and Hujun Bao},
    title     = {Recurrent Multi-view Alignment Network for Unsupervised Surface Registration},
    booktitle = {{IEEE/CVF} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    year      = {2021}


In this repo, we borrowed a lot from DCP and Raft.