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[Window Title] Error
[Main Instruction] 9.8.3-13183 启动出现错误
[Content] 请把错误日志提供给 QQ 客服
{"message":"Cannot find module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\versions\9.8.3-13183\application\background.js'\nRequire stack:\n- C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\app_launcher\launcher.js\n- C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\app_launcher\index.js\n- ","stack":"Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\versions\9.8.3-13183\application\background.js'\nRequire stack:\n- C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\app_launcher\launcher.js\n- C:\Program Files (x86)\Tencent\QQNT\resources\app\app_launcher\index.js\n- \n at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:963:15)\n at n._resolveFilename (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:109751)\n at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:811:27)\n at f._load (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:2:13330)\n at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1035:19)\n at require (
What if I am religiously opposed to using Electron?
Then you are not the target audience of this program.
It's clear that highly polarized opinions about languages and frameworks are characteristic of people who lack real-world programming experience and are more interested in building an identity than creating computer programs. When pressed for reasons what exactly is so bad about Electron, they can rarely offer anything than vaguely mumbled "memory usage" or "b-but it's an entire browser" (both of which have not been true for years, for example Electron's memory usage has improved dramatically, but the meme stuck).
The programming world is filled with people who read angry rants about why library X or Y sucks and you should hate it, then repeat whatever they remember because they think whining makes them seem smart, without critically examining whether it makes sense or not.
What if I am religiously opposed to using Electron?
Then you are not the target audience of this program.
It's clear that highly polarized opinions about languages and frameworks are characteristic of people who lack real-world programming experience and are more interested in building an identity than creating computer programs. When pressed for reasons what exactly is so bad about Electron, they can rarely offer anything than vaguely mumbled "memory usage" or "b-but it's an entire browser" (both of which have not been true for years, for example Electron's memory usage has improved dramatically, but the meme stuck).
The programming world is filled with people who read angry rants about why library X or Y sucks and you should hate it, then repeat whatever they remember because they think whining makes them seem smart, without critically examining whether it makes sense or not.
单纯作为用户,我也不喜欢electron应用。但对开发来讲它不可否认地是一个足够好的解决方案,也一直在进步。无脑黑和无脑吹都是很离谱的事,我只是对这位用户“几十个谷歌浏览器在跑”、因为用electron所以“看来腾讯也完犊子了”的莫名发言觉得很离谱而已。另外,腾讯系应用即使不使用electron也不会有更好的体验,群多的情况下QQNT比旧版QQ的内存占用还更少,并且QQNT少了很多莫名的闪退情况,足以说明这东西不是绝对的。本来就是做取舍的事,何必无脑乱喷 :(